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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 3 is here~! There are lots of sadness and emotional shizz happening in this chapter owo' *slowly backs away and runs* Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


I hate everything...I know it's not Lucifer's fault but, now I'm changing my mind. He just shows me my new bedroom, says he'll give me a servant to take care of me, and haven't the balls to check up on me...it's been two fucking months!! I tried to ask the Imp demon when I could have breakfast, lunch, or dinner with Lucifer, but always the same answer. 'he's too busy to hang out with a mortal like you.' I grew so angry...I blew up, I'm not shitting ya I made my new bedroom look like a freaking tornado came through. After I finished having my rage fit, all of that anger drained instantly, and now it's replaced with sadness and depression. 

And I didn't know I HAD depression...now I find out I have it. So I would lay on my new bed and read any book I could get my hands on, but reading after two months grew boring. So I started doodling random things, people...me stabbing Dante in the eyes, too much? Eh, I can only imagine. And I would draw Lucifer, I barely remember his look but I drew him hitting Dante on the head it felt VERY satisfying.

I do like the necklace he gave me when I first met him, it must be the item I need to wear to be able to be in Hell without breathing in Hell's air and dying. That would be one bad way to die, is suffocating, yikes just thinking about it sends goosebumps all over my body. I stopped doodling and sighing, setting the papers aside on my bed walked over to the door opened it a little bit to peek out, and seeing no one I thought 'Why not sneak around and find something to do?'. I wander around the whole place that has so many rooms, I think I found a room I don't wish to enter again...I shivered at remembering what I saw I'll never look at the Imp servants going at it, it was like one of those orgies where people have sex in a group.

Pushing that aside I did find one room I liked, it was a ballroom it seemed and it instantly gave me Anastasia vibes sooo I never flat out sing in front of others, and since no one is here...I just imagined the melody playing in my head, closed my eyes, and started to sing the song I remember with all my heart and soul. {Play the video above!}

🎶Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December🎶

🎶Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory🎶

I started to dance, smiling as if I were pretending to be dancing with someone. Allowing my imagination to run wild, thinking Lucifer was my dance partner I don't know why but I don't think he wouldn't mind.

🎶Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory🎶

🎶Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December🎶

I stopped as everything came back to me, I pulled my head back smiling the best I could staring at the ceiling with tears sliding down my cheeks, my smile was strained as my lips trembled. I had to keep smiling...right momma...papa...? 

"I just have to smile...smile so everything is okay...it's okay...i-it's...o-okay. I-I'm...I'm o-okay..." My vision blurred, as I did my best to BE okay but I knew...deep down I was NOT okay...I was NOT fine. Even the King of Hell does not want me. "It's okay...sooner or later, he'll get rid of me too like everyone has." I started to chuckle weakly then laugh.

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now