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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 5 is here~! Alexis/You looks are below, you can change the colors and the hair length. also when I do 'no one's pov'? I will use Alexis's name instead of 'you' it'll be less annoying for me hope that's ok? qwq Enjoy~

 also when I do 'no one's pov'? I will use Alexis's name instead of 'you' it'll be less annoying for me hope that's ok? qwq Enjoy~

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Warning!! Swearing!!



No One's POV

Two figures stood facing each other, a sword pointed at an imp's face, the figure wearing a suit spoke in a serious voice, eyes narrowed.

"My name is Alexis L/n. You killed my father. Prepare to die." The voice is a female.

The imp cowering on the floor against the wall, squeaked out hurrying out of the ballroom, leaving behind the shocked human. Then she pouts dropping her rapier she borrowed from an empty armor she found around the palace, she is bored, sees the rapier, and thinks of an old movie she loved watching when she was in high school. So she found the first imp demon she saw dragged them, told him his script and what he should say and do but...

"Man...it was getting to the good part too." She whines, folding her arms and being careful of the rapier.

"Lexi? My dear, what are you doing scaring my servants to death?"

"Hm?" She turns around hearing his voice, her eyes lit up smiling, and rushing over to him. "Your back~ And um...I was bored? And I saw this wicked cool rapier, and remembered a part in this one movie I loved watching when I was in High School so I grabbed an imp to play a script in the movie~ Buuut...I guess I went a bit overboard?" She laughs sheepishly, scratching the back of her head with her free hand.

He raises his eyebrow, looking at the rapier in her hand and then at her face then snorts a laugh.

"A bit? My dear, all my imps are too terrified to leave their rooms," he laughs walking closer to her taking the rapier out of her hand, looking at it snap his other fingers making it disappear putting it back where she found it. "Let's not scare my servants, yeah?"

She huffs, and folds her arms "But, I was bored! You left to see your daughter, so I truly have to stay here? Can't I go with you? it's not like anyone will dare lay their hands-- I mean claws on me if I'm by your side." She points out to him.

He groans placing his hand over his face, then slides down his face "You really want to leave the palace do you..."

"Duh! I'll be safe, you did say you protect me so there's no way you'll lie, you fucking Lucifer Morningstar! You NEVER told a lie, you're too prideful to lie." She points out to him in a matter-of-fact voice.

He blinks "Damn, you know your stuff. But when you put it like that...very well," He lets out a sigh. She cheers, but he raises his hand stopping her mid-cheer. "BUT, you must always stay in my sight, don't run off or follow anyone, stay in the same room as I am. If you do somehow get lost, only ask the demons working/helping my daughter and her hotel. Got it?"

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