2. He is clean

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Shubman's pov

When Ishan and I reached my house, he was surprised to see that I was rich. I took him inside and made him sit, as I  carefully bandaged his wound. I lent him my clothes and gave him one of the many bedrooms to stay in. The next day, as I had been a little hungover, I woke up to a million doorbells ringing and loud knocking on the main door. As I woke up to open the door, I saw my team looking at me furiously as I just smiled cheekily.

I looked towards Rohit bhaiya for help and he just shrugged and gave me a 'serves you right' look. I was aggressively pushed out of the door way as they entered.
"How dare you throw water at my face!?"
"How dare you just leave all of us behind?"

As I racked my brain for a good answer, I saw their gaze shifting from my face to something behind me as they all looked confused.
I looked behind me, to see Ishan with his bed head and my shirt disheveled, which was a tad bit too loose on him, as it drooped over his right shoulder exposing his collarbone a little. He looked absolutely ravishing, with his eyes only half open, I could get used to seeing him like this every morning I concluded.

Ishan and I continued to look at each other, as he looked confused and sleepy. He was too cute for his own good.
"Who is that?"
Asked Hardik bhai in a teasing manner, with a smirk on his face, as he eyed Ishan.
"This is Ishan."
I then looked at Ishan, who still looked confused.
"This is my team, they work with me."

"What do you even do?"
"Well I own a business."
Which wasn't a lie, because I did own a business, the only catch was that, that the business I owned wasn't completely legal.
"What business?"
"Just a normal one."
Damn can I not come up with a better lie.

"Shubman can I talk to you in private?"
interrupted Rohit bhai and I just nodded thankful for the interruption but also a little ok edge, knowing what was coming. Virat bhai also accompanied the both of us and neither of us had the guts to stop him.
"Do you know how dangerous it is to bring a random stranger home?"
said Rohit bhai when we had reached my office. Yes I had an office in my house since I lived in a mansion.

"I know bhaiya."
"What were you thinking?"
Asked Rohit bhai.
"He wasn't thinking, that's his problem. He never thinks straight." replied Virat bhai.
(yeah cuz he gay)
"That is not true and both of you know that. If I wouldn't think before doing things, I wouldn't be here, in this position."

"We know that, but you sometimes forget to think. Like when it comes to saving one of the members or right now for, whoever that guy is."
Virat bhai said looking a little annoyed.
"Who is he? and why is he here in your house?" inquired Rohit bhai.
"His name is Ishan Kishan, he seems innocent bhaiya, I couldn't leave him out on the road. But I was about to tell you guys to run a background check on him."

"Wow how quick are you. After sharing your address and God knows what else with him, now you wanna run a background check on him."
Scoffed Virat bhai before walking out of the office.
"I'll run a background check on him, and if he seems even a little suspicious, he is out of here."
"I promise, if you guys don't trust him, he'll be leaving right away."

"Fine. Let me go check on Virat and make sure he doesn't kill the guy."
We walked out of the room and into the living room as I saw Ishan sitting on the sofa with the others surrounding him, and it looked like Virat bhai was questioning him, while everyone just shared amused glances. He looked scared. Rohit bhai pulled him away and whispered something in his ear as they left most probably to run the background check, while the others got comfortable around Ishan.

Ishan warmed up to Surya bhai, Hardik bhai and Rishabh and seemed to be liking spending time with them, while I cooked all of us breakfast. He noticed me working alone and offered to help me, but I just refused. Shrey and KD bhai were just sitting around as well, they could help me instead. As I asked them for help they made a face at that, but couldn't decline. They grumbled something about not taking help from someone who was offering and making them work instead, but I just ignored it and continued to cook.

When Rohit bhai and Virat bhai returned Virat bhai looked even more disturbed than before as I asked about the results.
"He seems clean."
Answered Virat bhai.
I grinned at that and then asked,
"Why are you making that face then?"
"Virat didn't want him to turn out to be clean. He wanted to teach you a lesson."
Chuckled Rohit bhai.

Virat bhai just huffed and joined the others in the living room. Rohit bhai mentioned everything he found out about Ishan and his past. How he had lived in an orphanage and gotten bullied and how after turning eighteen and leaving the orphanage he had done odd jobs to survive, including working as a labor. He had gotten his previous job as a waiter and had lived there for about two years now, before he was fired yesterday.

After informing me about everything they had found out, we both joined the others in the living room. Rohit bhai had seemed to warm up a little as well to Ishan, as he seemed so pure, like a ball of sunshine, despite his tragic past he seemed to put up a seemingly normal front. He managed to lighten up the mood and make everyone laugh, but I could still see Rohit and Virat bhai being cautious.

After they all left I went back in my office to finish up some work, when I heard a gunshot. I instantly became alert and took my gun out to follow the sound of the gunshot, which had seemed to be from my room. As I cautiously walked inside, tightening my grip around the gun in my hand, I saw Ishan sitting there on the floor scared and shocked as there were tears running down his face, the gun that was fired, laying there in front of him.

I kept my gun in my pocket and sat down in front of him and took his face in my hands.
"What happened?"
"I- I didn't mean to I swear. I ju- just entered your room for some clothes and I accidentally ca- came across the gun. It got fired when I tried to check if it was re- real."
"Are you hurt?"
"N- No."

I pulled him in my embrace and just calmed him down whispering that it was okay, that he was safe.
"I will leave, I will get out of your hair."
"And where will you go?"
"I don't know, please don't hurt me."
"I won't hurt you, I promise."
"I won't tell anyone about the gun or about you, just let me leave, please."
"Just go freshen up and change your clothes for now, we'll talk about this later."


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