24. He is betrayed

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Ishan's pov

(Right before the mission- in the car)

I had felt guilty about it throughout. I know I had just been doing my job but these people had all taken me in and counted me as their own and I was about to betray all of them. I couldn't help but feel dreadful. I was shaking with nervousness and had second thoughts swarming inside me.
What if I took Shubman's phone and threw it out of the car?
Just as I felt like was about to go insane, I felt a hand rest on top of mine.

"It's okay. Whatever happens today, it will all be okay."
"How are you so sure?"
"I'll make sure of it. I'll make everything okay. I promise, just trust me."
I nod relaxing little.
"I trust you."
And despite the situation, I found myself believing those words. Maybe I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it.

Throughout the mission, I had been completely zoned out just following Shubman around fearing the worst, when the police arrived I was terrified. Shub calmed me down and I zoned out again. Then I overheard the conversation between Rahul bhai and Shub. They were arguing and that is when I realized that everyone else from The Aces had safely left the place and were in the car.

I sighed in relief because of the incapabilities of the police but then I realized Virat, Rohit and Abd bhai were still in here somewhere and Shub was not going to leave without them. Despite the very evident incapabilities of the police, I doubt they would be able to get out of here now. I had to atleast save Shub and keeping that in mind, I took my gun out, thankful I had hidden in Shubman's house.

As expected, ignoring Rahul bhai's orders, Shub turned around to make his way towards the opposite direction of the exit, but when he turned around and spotted me, his whole world stopped. He had been betrayed and the look on his face was enough to shatter my heart completely. For the first time ever I saw him cry. He had tears running down his face and when I apologized he turned around. He couldn't even look at me anymore.

I knew that pulling my gun at him would result in this, but I had to do this to save him. I had no other options. I pushed him towards the door with my gun and when he asked me why I did all of this, with his voice cracking and sounding absolutely defeated, I wanted to tell him I was sorry. I wanted to tell him, I didn't want to betray him but the situation had required me to, but I knew this would do us no good and so I pulled a poker face.

I was hesitant about asking him to leave, because I could've easily made him walk towards the van with my gun still pointed at him. I could've easily escaped with him, giving the reason that I had only pulled the gun to save his life. I could've lied and said I wasn't a traitor, and that I had just found the gun lying around. I could've lived happily with him, in my blissful ignorance. But that would mean lying to him again and leaving Ro, Vi and Abd bhai here.

He wouldn't have lost me, but he would've lost his brothers. And as much as I wanted to walk out of here with him, I couldn't let him lose his people, so I asked him to leave. He was stubborn and refused. He kept on insisting to go inside, without caring for his own life. Even my betrayal or threats didn't work, but thankfully Rishabh showed up. Rishabh didn't look up at me and it hurt.

I had gotten pretty close to him, but now I had done something so terrible that none of them could look me in the eyes. They hated me. Rishabh pulled him away and I didn't wait to see them getting to their van, trusting Rishabh and instead rushed inside the place. I had one advantage that the rest didn't. I could easily walk around and wouldn't have to watch my back or hide, from the police or The Aces.

Which is why I had easily found Abd bhai tied up in a room. I had seen his pictures when I had studied about The Aces, so thankfully I recognized him right away. I untied him and started to drag him out. I looked around now, because I couldn't be caught with him. Now I just had to find Vi and Ro bhai. I sighed and tried to figure out how I would find them, while trying to hide from the police, and carrying a heavily injured man.

Luckily Vi and Ro bhai emerged from behind a pillar and Vi bhai instantly pointed his gun at me.
"Let. him. go."
I looked at him with widened eyes.
"I'm just- I was just trying to help. You can take him."
Vi bhai looked at me suspiciously narrowing his eyes, but walked closer slowly, still on edge, not lowering his gun.

He finally lowered his gun when he caught a hold of Abd bhai holding him up from one side.
"There's an exit downstairs but we will have to be careful. We can't be seen."
"How did you make your way up then?" Asked Ro bhai and I just shrugged not wanting to know just yet. Rohit bhai stood in front of us with his gun in hand in a protective manner, as Vi bhai and I held onto Abd bhai.

We somehow made it downstairs without being spotted, but just as we were walking towards the exit, I spotted some men on the right.
I said pushing Abd and Vi bhai in a room and then Ro bhai aswell.
"Imma go check, if the coast is clear."
I walked out and gave my fellow officers a smile and when they left, I called them back out and held onto Abd bhai again.

When we reached the exit I handed Abd bhai over to Ro bhai and Vi bhai turned around to look at me.
"Let's go."
I looked around noticing an officer coming in our direction.
"You go ahead bhaiya."
I said shaking my head and giving him a small smile.
"Don't be stupid-"

"Go bhaiya. Quick. Someone's coming. I'll hold them back."
Saying that I nudged Vi bhai and they started walking away. I distracted the officer before turning back around, just in time to see Shub helping Vi, Ro and Abd bhai get inside the van, before driving away. Not looking back once.


*Sighs* This is tough.

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