11. He is on a mission (2)

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Shubman's pov

I started looking around the place, I could feel the panic set in and I started shouting his name, trying to figure out where he could be. I hoped he would respond back but there was only silence, I could hear a few gunshots but I hoped it was just my team eliminating the members of The Spades and not my Ishan. I was about to go inside a room when I heard a muffled voice from the opposite room.

I quickly made my way to it, aiming my gun at the door before opening it and there I saw Ishan. I almost breathed a sigh in relief but then I saw the other guy. He was holding Ishan from behind and had a gun pointed towards his head. Ishan looked at me in fear and I couldn't help but panic. The man behind Ish finally spoke up.
"Put your gun on the floor and raise your hands up, if you want him to live."

"No!! Don't do that. He will hurt you."
He earned a kick to his back for saying that,
"You shut up, I won't hesitate to kill you within a second."
My blood boiled in anger. How dare that asshole even lay a finger on Ishan. I couldn't risk it. I had to surrender, to ensure Ishan's safety.
"Don't touch him. I'm surrendering."
I said glaring at the man.

He looked much taller and bulkier than Ishan. If only Ishan hadn't blackmailed me into bringing him here and only joined us after properly learning how to fight, he could've easily taken this man down. I sighed and slowly started lowering the gun towards the ground. I looked at Ishan, kneeling on the ground hoping he would get my clue and he surprisingly got it as he separated his legs giving me some space to aim.

I kept my gun on the floor, but didn't leave it yet and the guy moved his gun from Ishan's head and was about to aim it towards me, when I picked the gun back up and shot his leg. He dropped to the floor and Ishan moved away from him, giving me access to kill the guy but as I aimed at his head, another shot went off.
I shot him and he dropped his gun and fell to the floor as the bullet had hit his head right in the middle and he laid there dead.

I looked over at Ishan and saw blood. The other gunshot sound finally dawned upon me, as I realized what had happened before I killed the man. I looked down realizing there was blood oozing out of my body and looked back up to see Ishan looking at me with wide worried eyes. His big doe eyes were filled with unshed tears as he came closer to keep a hand on my wound to try and stop the bleeding.

"I'm so sorry- I'm so so sorry- it's all my- It's all my fau- fault. I- I shouldn't have-"
"I'm sorry-"
"ISHAN, relax, it's okay. I'm okay."
"No, no you're not okay. You got shot."
"He just got my arm, I'm fine Ishan."
"There- there's so much blood."
"It's okay baby, don't look."

I finally looked down and I could see the blood still oozing out of my arm despite Ishans hand on top of the wound.
"Baby, there's a lot of bleeding. Please press harder on the wound."
"But I don't wanna hurt you."
He said in a tiny voice and when I looked up at him, I saw him giving me puppy eyes. I melted and just smiled at him.
"It's ok I'll just do it myself, there's a lot of blood, I don't want to get you dirty."

"But I want to help."
"Look where you wanting to help has gotten us."
I instantly regretted saying that, when I saw his face. He looked upset and guilty and apologetic. The unshed tears in his eyes, had now rolled down his cheeks. I wiped his tears with my non injured hand and instantly apologized.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Too soon to joke about it I guess?"

He just looked at me pouting sadly trying to control his tears.
"Just press a bit harder on the wound, if you want to help and stop the bleeding baby. I promise, it won't hurt me."
He put a little more pressure on the wound stopping the blood flow and I tried my best to not flinch or show the pain on my face, to not make him feel more guilty.

He must've still understood it though as he asked,
"It hurts a lot, doesn't it?"
"Not that much baby."
I said gulping a little. Rohit bhai entered the room as I said that and looked at the both of us,
"There you guys are! I was looking for yall everywhere. Come on, let's leave before the reinforcements of the Spades members reach and attack us."
I nodded my head and both Ishan and I got up from the floor.

Rohit bhai either didn't notice my injury, or he did but didn't think it was necessary to point it out or ask what happened, so the three of us just walked out of there.
"Did we get the dealer?"
"Yes we did."
"Where are the others?"
"They are already in the car, along with Mahi bhai."

We got in our car and Ro bhai made his way towards his car, and I looked at him getting inside the backseat of the car as the front was already occupied by 'Mahi bhai' on the passenger seat and Vi bhai driving the car. Vi bhai spotted me and gave me a quick nod, and eyed my injury a little before focusing back on starting his car. Ishan was about to sit in the driver's seat,
"Wait, what do you think you're doing?"

"and why?"
"Because you're injured."
He said in a 'duh' tone, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I'm still a better driver than you, even with one of my hands injured."
"You haven't even seen me drive!"
He frowned at me, narrowing his eyes.
"I'm better than everyone so, I don't need to see you drive."
As the both of us continued to argue over who would drive, I heard Vi bhai, yell from his car.

"What the fuck are yall even doing? Get in the fucking car!!"
I was about to make a sassy remark to him, when I heard a gunshot. I instantly ducked, pulling Ishan down with me and then opened the car getting inside. Since there were gunshots coming from the other side, I couldn't risk sending Ishan to sit on the passenger seat and pulled him along with me to the drivers seat, and made him sit on my lap.

"What are you doing?"
"Getting us out of here."


I finally updated 😭

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