18. He is suspicious?

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Shubman's pov

The next morning, I woke up alone on the bed. Confused, I started looking around, and checked the bathroom before going to the kitchen and finding it empty aswell. Concluding he must be in his room, I decided to freshen up and prepare breakfast before disturbing him and so with that thought I came back to my room. I started thinking back about the past month that I had spent with Ishan. It had been a month since we had gone on the mission and since the accident.

This past month, I had rested for the majority of it, due to my injuries and usually worked from home. Ishan sometimes went to our warehouse if Rish or Shrey came here to my mansion, he tagged along with them and made a visit. I didn't stop him from going there everyday for training, but he said he preferred to stay here and take care of me. He however, did train every single day at the mansion instead, and usually Virat bhai came to train him and also check up on me.

We didn't really have any important missions or work this past month, since we had Mahi bhai, The Spades drug dealer, who was now ours. All the deals and trades were being handled by Vi and Ro bhai and I had just supervised the deals, from the office in my mansion. However we did have an important mission coming up and that was our second step in mission 'Wipe The Spades.' Rish had named the mission and it was safe to say it had NOT stuck.

We had already stolen their drugs supplier so now all we had to do was get our weapons supplier back. They had forcefully taken him and threatened his family. Our weapons supplier was Mr Ab deviliers. He had always been very loyal to us, until The Spades had kidnapped him and threatened to harm his family. Honestly none of us knew who exactly was threatened by The Spades, for Abd bhai to comply but all we knew was whoever was threatened was loved dearly by Abd bhai because he wasn't someone who would betray us, ever.

The minute he had been taken hostage and forced to work for The Spades, Vi bhai had sworn that we would bring him back and also protect his family. None of us knew, who exactly his family was except Vi bhai who didn't seem keen on revealing it, but we trusted him to ensure that he had taken care of Abd bhai's family and so we were now set to get Abd bhai back safely. We had stolen their drug dealer first though, to throw them off, and make them think we had completed our revenge. If only they knew what they had coming.

We were going to set motion to the plan exactly three days from now and I was pretty sure Ishan knew about the mission, since all of our members had visited us in the mansion and mentioned about it in his presence. He however, hadn't bothered to ask me if he was allowed to tag along with us. He had been focused on training and didn't seem too eager to join us back for the mission any time soon. As I snapped out of my thoughts, I decided to drop Vi bhai a text regarding the 'Save Abd bhai' mission and it's progress.

I looked around for my phone, on the bedside table but didn't find it there. Huh. I'm pretty sure I left it on the side table. Weird. I looked around my entire room, before going towards Ishan's room. Did he take my phone? Why would he do that though? Deep in thoughts I accidently opened Ishan's room without knocking and saw him standing there, looking, all shocked in just a towel. As I let my eyes roam his almost exposed body, he covered his chest using his hands.

That knocked me out of my ogling session and I looked back up at his face, making eye contact.
"Uhhh what the hell?"
"I- I- I'm sorry I should've knocked instead of just barging inside-"
"Ye- yea- uh can you leave?"
He said blushing. He was blushing so hard that his face, his ears and even his neck turned all red, due to it. I on the other hand had started looking at the reddish- purple hickeys on his body and regained my composure.

"Nothing, I haven't already seen or touched last night, meri jaan."
I said smirking and threw a wink at him. He glared at me and I let out a chuckle.
"I wanna change Shub."
"I just wanted to ask if you've seen my phone?"
He instantly stopped making eye contact with me when I asked him that. Why was he acting so suspicious all of a sudden?

"Ye- yes, I'm sorry, I took it."
He picked my phone up from his bed and handed it to me.
"Please don't be mad."
I asked him curiously instead of getting mad. I should've gotten mad, but somehow, looking at him, in this state. I just couldn't.
"I just- I needed to talk to Rishu and ask him, if he was coming to train me today and I don't have a phone so..."

"You could've just asked me to call him or you could've atleast told me that you were taking my phone to do so."
"I'm sorryyyy, it's just that you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up."
"It's fine, just tell me next time, you do something like this."
He nodded looking at me with guilt and I nodded back at him. I had already forgiven him, then why was he looking at me with guilt?

"What did Rish say? Is he coming?"
"He didn't pick up."
He didn't pick up my call? The dude that's always on his phone, didn't pick up when his boss called? Super weird. Well, I know I wasn't the one calling Rish but then again, Rish wouldn't know that now, would he? Despite all of my thoughts, I just nodded at Ishan and before leaving turned back towards him.
"Do you want one?"
"Huh? What?"

"Do you want me to buy you a phone?"
"No, I don't have anyone to call anyways."
"You have me."
"I don't need to call you, I live with you."
"Yes but what if-"
"Don't overthink it."
That shut me up and I just nodded before leaving the room. As soon as I left his room, I instantly opened my phone and checked the call log.

There was only one call made by Ishan and that was to Rishabh and Rish hadn't received the call. He must've been either training or sleeping and that's why he didn't pick up. Ishan was right. I shouldn't overthink. He was also telling the truth, so I shouldn't have doubted him either.


I finally updated, someone needs to kick me fr fr.

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