8. He is ignoring me

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Shubman's pov

When they both turned around to look at me, I gave them a sheepish smile and Ishan looked away.
"I'm sorry for being late, duty calls."
"It's okay, I saw Ro going to your office and figured that it would take you some time to come. Plus, Ishan himself asked me to train him, before I could offer."
"Thanks bhai, but I can take it over from here."

Virat bhai nodded, but before he could step away, Ishan spoke up.
"Bhai, you're a better trainer than him, can't you train me instead?"
Virat bhai looked happy with the flattery and looked towards me in a proud manner, about to boast about how he was called the better trainer among the two of us, but he took one look at my face and when saw me glaring at him, he knew it was best to shut up.

His smile quickly dropped and he looked back at Ishan and gave him an apologetic look. Ishan had gotten the hint as his shoulders slouched.
"I'm sorryyyy."
"It's okay bhai, I can understand."
"I can still train you when Shub is busy though, just call me over."
Ishan nodded looking at the floor, looking like a kicked, hurt puppy. He looked back up at Vi bhai with his puppy dog eyes.

"Can I atleast take a break though? I've been training non stop for more than an hour."
Virat bhai looked like he couldn't resist the puppy eyes and just nodded without looking at me, since he knew I would've denied it and gotten mad at him for agreeing.
"Thanks bhai."
Saying this Ishan walked out of the gym, not before bumping his shoulder against mine angrily.

When I had made sure Ish had left, I glared at Vi bhai.
"He had just trained for an hour, why did you give him the break?"
"Oh come on, did you look at him? I couldn't deny the poor guy twice."
"But he left as soon as I got here!!"
"So? He isn't entitled to be everywhere you are, all the time."
"Excuse me? Is this really you speaking? Just a month ago, you were soooo against him joining our team and now look at you taking his side."

"That was a month ago, a lot changed in a month. Plus, no matter what, we can't deny he's an absolute cutie. I'd give him anything if he looked at me like that, giving me those puppy eyes."
"You're just angering me more."
I said glaring at him, getting more annoyed by each passing second.
"What's so new about that? It's not my fault you have borderline anger issues."
"I do not have anger issues!!!"

"Yes, I know. That's why I said borderline."
I looked at him threateningly, my gaze turning murderous. He got the hint and gulped a little scared, before muttering a quick,
"See you later." and walked out of the gym.
I changed my clothes and started working out, in order to distract myself and also wait for Ishan to come back.

After about an hour he came back and I looked at him a little annoyed for taking such a long break. Only a little though because he was already ignoring me, I couldn't risk upsetting him more.
"What took you so long?"
"I was on a break."
He replied, not looking at me. Well atleast he wasn't ignoring me anymore.
"Breaks are not supposed to last for an hour."

"Breaks can last for as long as you want them to."
"So you're telling me it's okay for you to train for an hour and then take a break for another?"
What is with those curt responses. First he was ignoring me and now when he finally started speaking to me, he is replying like that?

"You're getting on my nerves."
"So are you, but you don't see me complaining. Do you?"
I was extremely annoyed by it all, but still unable to lash out or be mad at him, I don't know why. I just decided to let all of it go and focus on the training.
"Come on, let's start."
He walked over to me and without making eye contact, quietly started training.

I kept training him for a long time but not once did he complain or ask for any breaks. I had to figure it all out myself, about when to give him breaks, and when to ask him to just stop for a second and drink water, when he looked too exhausted or out of breath. Not once, did he say a word. He was back to ignoring me again. Oh God, we were back to square one. This was getting ridiculous.

"You can't just ignore me like this."
"Watch me."
"Ishan, just stop this okay. This is not going to get you into the mission."
No response.
"This is a very important mission for us. I cannot let you sabotage it."
Wait I can't believe I said that to him. He might get even angrier now, how could I even say he would sabotage the mission.

This will just give him the wrong idea. Okay, time for some damage control.
"The main reason I don't want to involve you is because of your own safety Ishan."
Ok, he shouldn't be mad anymore, I've told him the truth about just wanting to protect him, but he still isn't speaking.
"Stop ignoring me God dammit."
And yet again, I was only met with silence.

I stepped closer to him, but before I could grab his shoulders and shake him and tell him to get out of whatever silent trance he was in and ask him to speak to me. He walked out. He just walked out of the gym without any further words. I took a quick shower in the gym to calm myself down and freshen up before leaving to talk to Ishan. I looked around in the kitchen and gaming area before standing in front of Rish's room once again and tried to open it.

The door being closed at this hour? It only meant one thing, Ishan was definitely in there, yet again.
"Open the door Ishan, I do not want to be doing this again."
I said in a stern voice.
"Go away."
"Those were not my words. They were Ishan's."

"Just open the damn door or I'll break it down."
"The doors are bullet proof, you'll only break your leg trying."
"I swear to God Rishabh if you don't shut the fuck up-"
I sighed. There was only one way to fix this. I had already seen how stubborn Ishan was.

We would both remain this way, with me following him around, trying to talk to him and him ignoring me and staying here with Rish, instead of coming home, if I didn't make this decision.
"Fine. You can join the mission Ishan. You win."


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