4. He is stubborn

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Shubman's pov

I knew Virat bhai was stubborn and it would take some time to convince him, so instead of following him while he was mad, which I knew would just result in a fight, I instead turned around and started walking to my office. As I started zoning out, not focusing on my work, due to the more trivial matters at hand, that is Ishan, someone knocked on the door.
"Come in."

Surya bhai peeked in through the door and then opened it completely as most of the team spilled through the door, including Ishan.
"Were you working? We just wanted to show Ishan around and this was the only spot left." said Shrey.
"We're sorry if we disturbed you, I told them it was ok to miss a spot but they insisted."

That brought a smile on my face as I turned to face the others. Surya bhai got the hint and instantly left the room, pulling the others along with him. Ishan looked at them confused and was about to follow them out when I got up from my chair and held his wrist, stopping him. He looked at me confused and I just smiled.
"You can enter my office or wherever you want to Ishan, anytime. You don't need my permission."

We just stood there looking at each other, while I still held his wrist not wanting to let go. He cleared his throat, motioning towards our hands and I let go of his hand.
"Let me officially introduce you, We are the biggest Mafia Group in the country, they named our group The Aces."
"The Ace...why?"
"Because we are the Aces I guess. We are the best in the game."

"Did you hear about The Aces, or no?"
"I didn't know there were names or different groups, I just knew that there were mafias and they were really powerful and dangerous around here."
I nodded at him understandingly. It was very difficult for civilians to know about such details.

The police were very discreet and always tried to release as minimum information about this issue as possible, as they didn't want to seem incompetent for not catching us and also make a big deal out of the crime world and scare the civilians.
"So, did you like it?"
I said motioning around the office, changing the topic.
"Your office or the entire place?"

"Yes. It's really nice."
"Do you still want to work here?"
Why is everyone here so stubborn. I shook my head and held Ishan's hand guiding him somewhere. When we reached the place, Ishan had already toured the whole warehouse so he knew where we were.

"Why are we here?"
"To check out your skills."
"But I don't have any."
He said pouting. Cute.
"It's okay, I'll teach you."
We were in an indoor shooting range. All of us used to practice target shooting here, well most of us learned here, but since we all were now trained and experienced, this was more of a stress relieving place now.

We came here to relieve our stress and anger. Shooting guns was calming and anyone who had done it before would agree.
I picked up two noise canceling headphones as I placed one over his head. He looked scared and a little panicked.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

I whispered in his ear moving his headphones a bit and stepping closer to him. Our close proximity had me feeling some type of way. I could tell it had an affect on him aswell, as he stuttered while replying,
"I- I want to."
I gave him a big smile and then handed him a gun. I taught him the basics about the trigger and the bullets.

I made him stand in position, as I taught him how to hold the gun. As I held his hand in mine, he shivered under my touch. I smirked at that and whispered again,
"Focus Ishan."
As he stood with his hand raised pointing towards the target, I had my hands wrapped around him standing behind him, holding the gun along with him.

I was about a head taller than him and thus rested my head on top of his, to get a good look at the position of his hands and the target. The position seemed perfect, we fit together perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle. I loved the feeling of him in my arms, with both of our bodies attached with no space in between, not even enough for air to pass.

I knew he wasn't focusing as I helped him shoot the first bullet, which hit the target since I was practically the one doing everything, while he just stood there in my embrace, distracted.
I stepped away.
"Your turn."
He just looked panicked as he took the second shot, which surprising hit the middle of the target.

He himself looked surprised and I was shocked as to how a person who didn't even know how to hold a gun could hit the middle of the target at his first try. As he shot for the second and then the third time he completely missed the target, both times. I just chucked seeing his dejected expression.
"Don't laugh."
He said pouting angrily, trying to look scary but ending up looking like an angry kitten.

"I'm sorry."
I said softly while smiling and stepping closer to him. His breath hitched again, while I just smirked as I removed his headphones and said,
"It's okay baby. You can't be a pro overnight, you did really good though. You hit the target. I don't think anyone here, including me has done that on their first try."

"How does that even matter when I had no idea what I was doing? I hit the target the first time as a fluke."
"Still, I see potential, I'm sure you'll learn in no time, if you're willing to."
He just pouted at that and although I had stopped myself, with a lot of effort, from pecking his cute pouty lips, I couldn't stop myself from pinching his cheek.
"I'll help you, I promise."

That had finally made him smile and he looked absolutely adorable.
"Um what did Virat bhai say? Is he mad?"
"I'm impressed you already learnt their names."
I said trying to avoid the conversation
"I actually don't remember anyone other than, Virat, Rohit and Surya bhai."
I just laughed at that relieved, as we made our ways out of the shooting range.

As Rish approached us and pulled Ishan away blabbering something about food, I was glad that I had managed to avoid Ishan's questions. I didn't want to lie to him, but I also didn't want to bother him with it. I would solve it soon anyways. I followed them, as I watched Ish and Rish take a seat next to each other, on the table. Oh right, it was dinner time. I looked at Ish who had been watching Rish blabbering about God knows what.

He probably felt my eyes on him as he looked up at looked at me pleadingly almost, to save him from Rish and his non stop blabbering. I just chuckled and sat on the other side of Ishan instead of my usual place at the head of the table. As the others slowly made their ways toward the dinner table, everyone looked at me surprised but just shrugged it off, except one person.

When Virat bhai had walked inside he saw me sitting besides Ishan instead of my usual place and stood there frozen glaring at me.
"I guess you have also decided to step down from the leader's position huh?"
Ishan's whipped his head towards me at that.
"You're the Mafia King?"
uh-oh I guess I forgot to mention that part....


Sorry for the late update, I had this one in my drafts but was just too lazy to upload it.

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