31. He is an idiot

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Ishan's pov

Shub tried to speak multiple times before he finally got tired and picked up the gun and place it against his forehead and pulled the trigger. That shut me up real quick. I looked as he pulled the trigger and it went off but he didn't die. There was no bullet.
"There were no bullets in the gun."
Yeah well I can see that. I still didn't reply to him and he continued.

"I would never do anything to even put you slightly in danger. The gun I was holding at your head-"
He showed the gun he had just shot himself with.
"-had no bullets."
I looked at him for a while before I gained my composure.
"Have you lost your Goddamn mind!?!"
"Are you fucking serious?"

He looked at me confused.
"How many guns do you have right now?"
I tried to calmly ask him.
"Three. Why?"
He looked at me with widened eyes, not expecting me to yell.

He gave me a weird look.
"If you needed to tell me, you could've just told me. You didn't need to fucking do that, what if you had gotten the wrong gun, are you that dense?"
"Well I wouldn't have had to do that if you had just listened to me! You weren't freaking listening to me!"
"Just. don't."
"I'm sorry ok, I wouldn't have had to do that if the officers hadn't cornered us-"

"So you're saying it's my fault?"
I said interrupting him.
"What? No. I never said that-"
"No you mentioned the police officers cornering us and- Oh My God! You think I called them, don't you?"
I could tell he was getting pretty annoyed that I wasn't letting him finish but I couldn't care less about it right now.
"What!? I never said that-"

"But you thought it didn't you? Admit it."
Interrupted him again.
"Oh my God! I know you didn't call them-"
"And how are you so sure?"
And again.
I looked at him shocked. This was the last thing I had expected him to say.

"I did it!"
"Because, my plan, was never to kill The Spades, just end them. And I did end them. Killing them would end it right away for them, but now they get to suffer, in jail."
I nodded, understandingly.
"And I'm sorry and I promise I won't hold a gun to your head again, not even an empty one, not even if it kills me-"

"It's okay-"
"No! I would've just killed them honestly, without hesitating for a second, but I could tell you cared about them and so this was the only way."
"I'm sorry for misunderstanding you."
"And for calling me an idiot?"
"No, I'm not sorry about that, you are an idiot."
"But I'm your idiot."

I just smiled at him and he started the car back up and we made our way to the warehouse.
"Why are we here?"
He just shrugged and I thought since they had finally gotten rid of The Spades, it was probably a celebration or something. Before we could enter the warehouse, he held my wrist stopping me.
"I have a surprise for you!"

I looked at him confused and was about to ask him but he started pulling me inside the warehouse. Everybody was sitting in the living room, laughing and joking around but when they noticed our presence they all stopped. I looked at them sadly, when I spotted someone. Someone who seemed out of place, someone who didn't belong here. I stared at him shocked and Rish from beside him yelled.

"What the fuck?"
"Do you like the surprise?"
Rish asked again but I completely ignored him and kept staring at the male.
"What are you doing here?"
When he didn't answer, I turned towards Rishabh.
"What is he doing here?"
"What? I thought you missed him."

"That doesn't mean you can just fucking kidnap him! Did you even think for a second that he didn't want to be here? That he didn't want to be a criminal?"
I said now turning towards Shub and he just looked at me with his puppy eyes. I turned to look at Mayank.
"I'm so sorry-"
"Well if he didn't want to be a criminal, he wouldn't have been here."
I turned to look at Rish.

"What is that supposed to mean?"
"He already is a criminal, technically."
I looked at Mayank for explanation.
"I'm sorry."
He just said looking down. I turned to Shub, narrowing my eyes at him and he started explaining further.
"He was our informant. He would inform us about everything the police were upto and more."

"How do you think we found out about the identity of all those police officers who tried to spy on us?"
Rohit bhai said, but I kept my eyes on Shub. It suddenly struck me.
"Wait! Does that mean-"
I turned to look at Mayank.
"You were the one who told them about me!?"
"What- No, NO!"

"No, he didn't. But he was stupid to think he was my only informer. I actually got curious, since he didn't inform us about you. So he was kind of the reason why you're here right now."
I looked at Mayank thankfully. I didn't know if it was because of him backing me up and not informing them about me, or if it was because I was here today, because of him.

Everybody started messing around again and Mayank got up.
"Can I talk to you?"
We left the room and went inside the dining room. I pulled Mayank in a hug.
"I missed you!"
"I missed you more sweetie."
We sat there chatting for a while, before the rest of the team came in, being obnoxiously loud.

I looked at all of them smiling and laughing and I made eye contact with Siraj bhai. He stopped laughing but he looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. I realized I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, other than with this obnoxiously loud group of idiots. Shub grinned happily at them and sat next to me. He took my hand in his and gave me one of his charming smiles.

Yes, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


Just an epilogue left.

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