9. He is ready?

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Shubman's pov

"Fine. You can join the mission Ishan. You win."
"Is this one of your tricks to get me out of the room? Because if so, I'll end up being even angrier than before. Again this is Ishan speaking, not me."
said Rishabh.
"No. This is not a trick. I know that tricking you like this wouldn't even solve the issue. It would just be a temporary fix."
I said sighing.

"What could I even do by tricking you huh? Lift you up and take you home? You'd lock yourself in this room again tomorrow though and I'd lose all your trust aswell."
"Yes, that is true."
"Rishabh, you are only allowed to speak when you're conveying a message from Ishan. Kindly refrain from passing any personal comments."

"How did you even know know this was me aka Rishabh speaking?"
"I just knew. Now shut up and tell me what he's doing."
After waiting for a while in silence with Rish not replying I spoke again.
"Rish..? Say something. "
"You told me to only speak, if I was conveying a message from Ishan and then you also told me to shut up. And now you want me to speak? Make up your mind will you."

"Rishabh I swear to God the minute you step out of this room, I will kill you."
"He's just standing here thinking, he looks deep in thought..... and now he's glaring at me."
After a couple seconds Rish started complaining,
"Wow he looks really scary, I'm literally in a 'aage kuwa piche khaii' wali situation right now. Hey Bhagwaan, maine aisa kya paap kiya tha pichle janam mai, jo aapne mujhe inn dono ke bich phasa diya."

I ignored Rishabh's whines and started to coax Ishan into trusting me. Damn did that dude have trust issues.
"Ishan, I'm not tricking you I promise, I give in. Please stop ignoring me and come out of this room so we can go home, I'm tired."
More silence. This silence between us was killing me at this point. I was about to lose hope and give up, until I heard a click.

The door clicked open and Ishan walked out.
"Will you really let me join the team?"
"Yes baby, anything you want."
I said nodding.
He looked at me with a big smile on his face. It was so infectious, I couldn't help but smile right back at him. Oh what a pretty smile he had. He was looking at me with that smile on his face. The smile was directed towards me. ME.

It was making my knees go weak. Just that thought was enough to make me feel all giddy inside. I would do anything for that smile. I would do anything, if it meant he would smile at me like that again and again. And just that thought alone scared me. I was falling. I wasn't supposed to be falling. Love is dangerous. Love makes a person weak. No, I can't be falling. This is just affection and care. Yes. I care about all my team members. This isn't any different.

He pulled me out of my thoughts by jumping onto me, giving me a big bear hug. I stumbled back a little due to the force but wrapped my arms around him to stabalize us both, preventing us from falling and also reciprocate his hug. I couldn't help but wonder how he fit perfectly into my arms. His height being perfect for him to rest his head on my chest and for me to rest my chin on top of his head. My heart rate was rising due to his body being completely attached to mine.

And I was afraid he would he able to hear it with his head on my chest. And then I couldn't help but wonder how it wasn't the same. It was different. The other team members hugging me, did not increase my heart rate. I did not think about their smiles being pretty or wanted it to be directed only towards me. And most importantly, I did not feel like kissing them. So no it wasn't the same as the other team members.

Oh God. Everything was fucked up. Why was I falling for him? Why?
Maybe it was his innocence that was luring me in, my brain provided. Despite seeing quite a bit here this past month and beyond that in his life aswell, he still somehow managed to preserve that innocence that he carried with him. The thing that confused me was that I didn't know whether I wanted to taint that innocence or further protect it. Whatever it was the feeling needed to stop, atleast for now. I didn't want him to feel weirded out by it.

He shook me a little to snap me out of my thoughts.
He then looked towards my arms still wrapped around his body, gesturing me to let go. I hadn't even realized I had been holding him. How long had I been holding him for? I instantly let go feeling a little embarrassed at my actions and he stepped back a little and then grinned up at me again.

"Thank you Shub."
"Uhh for what?"
I asked dumbly being completely lost in his smile.
"For agreeing to take me on the mission."
Oh that.
"The mission is tomorrow. We will invade the place around midnight."
"Okiee... so what do I have to do?"
"Nothing, you just have to stick with me."

"Yes, your job is to stay behind me."
Ishan looked really disappointed at that. I mean ofcourse who wouldn't be disappointed if they were asked to just take shield behind another member and follow them around doing nothing. It was his first mission as well so I'm sure he was overly excited and enthusiastic to help out the team.

I felt sad seeing him all sad suddenly, his previous grin being replaced with a sad puppy face and so I added,
"Why do you look so sad? This is the most important task, you will be shielding the leader of The Aces and watching his back."
I said that just to make him feel better I'll admit, he was going to be staying with me not because he had to protect me but because I wanted to ensure his safety and I couldn't trust anyone else but myself. After all no one would risk their life for him as of now, other than me.

It seemed to do the trick as his smile was back on, with his teeth in full display and I smiled back at him.
"I won't disappoint you then. I promise I'll protect you with my life."
"I don't need you to protect me with your life. Protect yourself first and then anyone else."
I said sternly as my smile dropped after hearing that. He opened his mouth looking like he wanted to argue but seeing my stern look decided against it and shut his mouth back up while nodding.

"And one more thing."
He asked raising his left eyebrow.
"Don't betray me."
I said with a serious expression. I really hated betrayal. My parents had been betrayed by The Spades as well.
"I won't."
He said with innocence and sincerity on his face.


I have my exams going on, I'm literally on my way to give them.
I forgot I had this in my drafts though, so I'm updating it.

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