3. He is a burden?

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Shubman's pov

I helped him up and handed him my clothes and after he freshened up, we sat there eating lunch. I knew the conversation was due.
"Ishan I-"
"I don't wanna be a burden to you. I wasn't planning on living here long anyways."
"You're not being a burden to me and you can live here for as long as you'd like."

"I- I can't- live here for free."
"If you think you can't live here for free, then work for me."
"Where? For your business?"
"If you want to. You can stay here for free aswell, I really don't mind."
I knew I was pushing it. He didn't know what exactly I did despite seeing the gun, but I knew that I had to tell him, so I just thought of giving him a choice. He deserved to know.

I also knew that I didn't want him to risk his life, but I knew that he would be much safer working with me in the warehouse instead of staying here at the mansion alone with just one guard out front. I would be able to keep an eye on him and protect him, if he worked with me, since I always spend majority of my time at the warehouse.
"What do you actually do Shubman?"
"I'm from an underground mafia."
"W- what?"

"Have you heard about the most feared mafia group that owns the underground world?"
"Yeah I- I've heard about them, but I don't really know much about it."
"Well do you wanna check it out?"
"Uhh I wanna leave-"
"That's not an option darling. You already know about us. I can't risk letting you go."

I tried to be subtle about my threat as I gave him a comforting smile. But I could see it on his face that he was scared. He had understood what I had insinuated. It's either he stay with me or he dies. I couldn't kill him though, maybe keep him with me forcefully but I couldn't kill him.
"You lied to me."
"About what darling?"
"You said you weren't dangerous."

"I never said that Ish, I just said that I wasn't a serial killer, which I'm not technically. Plus I already told you, I wouldn't kill you even if I was and I tend to keep my promises."
I smiled at him and he just nodded and he stood up to help me clean up the table, but I asked him to relax for today. I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen by myself and then looked back to see him still standing there, watching me work.

"I'm going to be back in a bit, don't even think of trying to run away sweetheart."
He just nodded as he went into his room. I made sure to lock everything before leaving and even informed the guard to be alert. When I came back I saw him peacefully sleeping in his bed. I had gone to visit my team but I didn't tell them about Ishan finding out just yet. They would probably have my head for being this careless.

They didn't know that this was inevitable though. He was going to find out sooner or later as I was never planning on letting him go. I would probably take him to visit the warehouse tomorrow, if he wanted to and also tell the team about him knowing, well not like they wouldn't find out seeing him at the warehouse. The next morning when the both of us woke up, I asked him if he wanted to visit and he said he needed some time.

I agreed and promised to give him as much time as he wanted. Approximately a week later when I was working in my office in my mansion, someone knocked on the door.
"Come in."
Ishan walked inside a little hesistant and then took a deep breath looking around my office.
"I'm ready."
"For what?"

"To visit the place- where um- where ever you wanted to take me."
"Are you sure? I meant it when I said you can take as much time as you want. Or you can never visit it at all aswell. I don't mind you staying here for free, forever."
"I can't stay here for free. I would feel like a burden."
"You won't be a bur-"
I tried to explain it to him for the umpteenth time. Why couldn't he just understand I was rich.

"I know, but still, I want to work. I want to pay you back for the help. I'm ready to do anything you want."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure. I'm grateful to you for helping me. Despite you being a mafia, I can see the kindness in you. No one else would help someone like me anyways."
"Okay, get dressed. We will leave in a bit."

As we got dressed and left for the warehouse, I kept warning him and ensuring him he could back out at any point. He didn't have to work for me, to stay with me and live a lavish life. He kept saying he was going to be ok and that he really wanted to not be living with me free of cost. We entered the warehouse and everybody looked at me shocked. Well this was expected since I hadn't told them Ishan knew about us.

"What the fuck Shubman?"
Growled Virat bhai.
"I can explain-"
"How are you even going to explain this one?"
Said Rohit bhai disappointedly.
"Calm down."
"Calm down? You're asking us to CALM DOWN?"
Virat bhai had sounded pissed.

Rohit bhai, Rahul bhai and I just looked at each other, meanwhile Surya bhai took Ishan saying he would show him around. I gave Surya bhai a grateful look while the others just followed them except Rohit, Rahul and Virat bhai. I explained the whole situation to the three bhaiya's and they looked even more shocked hearing the story.
"Are you stupid?"
That statement angered me but I bit down my anger and answered calmly.

"No I'm not stupid. I know what I'm doing. The minute I brought him with me, I wasn't planning on letting him go. Ever. So him finding out is no big deal, he was bound to find out eventually."
"Shubman, he found out, fine. But did you really have to bring him here?"
"He wants to work with us Rahul bhai, he doesn't wanna stay with me for free."

"I refuse to work with him."
Saying that Virat bhai just got up and walked off.
It was going to be tough to convince him, but I would have to do it, for both of them.


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