10. He is on a mission (1)

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Shubman's pov

Ishan and I were in my car, on our way to the drug dealer's place. I was driving and it was only the two of us, as the others followed behind me, while I followed Rahul bhai and Shrey's car as they led the way.
"Shub, I just realized..."
I turned to glance at him for a moment before turning my eyes back on the road, gesturing for him to continue.

"I don't really know anything about the mission. Where are we going? What are we doing?"
"You don't need to know about it Ish, you just need to stay behind me at all times.... to watch my back ofcourse."
Ishan didn't respond to that and after a while I turned to look at him to find that he was already looking at me. He looked deep in thought and a little upset.

"You don't trust me..."
"It's not that I don't trust you darling, I just want you to be safe. It's better if you don't know anything for now."
"Okayy... if you say so."
I wanted to ask if he was upset but decided it would be best if I left that topic for later. I needed to focus on the mission for now.
For the third time since we sat in the car I looked at Ishan and reminded him to stay behind me at all times and not leave my side.

"Shub, you've reminded me about this, for about 50 times since yesterday, I already know."
"I know but still-"
"No buts enough is enough. I already told you I would stick with you and stay behind you at all times."
I couldn't protest after that, so I turned my attention back on the road and tried to focus on the mission and go through the plan again in my head, to not overthink about Ishan.

When we reached all of us stealthily got out of our cars and everyone made their ways to our car.
"All of us are already aware about how important this is for our business and our team members. So let's not leave here without getting what we came for. I know we have a back up escape plan, but let's only use it to escape after getting what we want."

"Yes boss"
said Rish with a mocking salute and I glared at him.
"What? I was just agreeing with you."
"Exactly he was just following the orders."
I turned towards Ishan and looked at him shocked to see he was taking Rishabh's side.

He just gave me an innocent confused look and I looked back at Rish to see him grinning widely.
"What did you do to him?"
I narrowed my eyes at Rish.
"What do you mean?"
Rish asked innocently.
"Why is he taking your side? Did you ask him to? Because I swear to Go-"
"Oh hello hello, why would I ask him to do anything? He's taking my side because I'm right."

Rish grinned at Ishan and looked kind of proud to be able to gain the youngers support, since no one else ever supported him.
"Guys we're literally standing a few feet away from the place that we're about to invade. Can yall not do this here?"
Rahul bhai said glaring, looking annoyed at all of us.
Rahul bhai never said much or get angry, so whenever he did, we knew not to argue with him.

"Ok everyone take your positions."
Everyone started walking in different directions while, I walked towards the back door with Ro and Vi bhai in front of me and Ishan behind me, quietly following. The bhaiyas in front of us eliminated a few of the men that were guarding the back door, The Spades men, most probably. The drug dealer wouldn't really have men of his own.

I strided inside like I owned the place, but not before, looking back and making sure Ish was following me. Ro and Vi bhai hai made their ways in front of me again, in a protective manner, trying to eliminate anyone in the radius, who were The Spades men. We searched the place before entering a large room and found someone peacefully sleeping, with a couple men around him to guard him.

The men around being eliminated, woke the sleeping man up, due to the noise.
"Mahi bhai?"
Both Ro and Vi exclaimed at the same time, seeing the sleeping man aka the drug dealer.
"What are you guys doing here?"
The man said still half asleep. He then looked around and noticed me and sat up a bit straighter.

"Shubman Gill? The leader of The Aces?"
I just smirked at him in return and he turned his head to glance at Vi bhai and asked with a bit of disgust on his face,
"Yall work for The Aces?"
"You work for The Spades?"
Vi bhai questioned back with even more disgust on his face and exaggerated puking faces.

"You guys know him?"
I whispered in Ro bhai's ear pulling him towards me.
"Yeah...we used to attend the same school, he was our senior. "
"Is that a good or a bad thing?"
I asked knowing damn well that everyone hated the duo in school, since they were rowdy and bossy, well that's what my father had told me.
"Fortunately a good thing, he really adored us."

Ro bhai gave me a glare before the both of us focused back on Vi bhai and 'Mahi bhai' bickering.
"You do not understand, we are the nicer ones, we literally don't kill anyone unnecessarily and we even give flexibility to the people who have families instead of mercilessly killing them-"

I zoned out after that, not wanting  to hear Vi bhai ranting about how we were nice and how The Spades had betrayed us, to try and convince the drug dealer, 'Mahi bhai' to join us instead.
"I think he is stalling us, to buy time. The Spades must have already found out about us and they must be on their way here."
"He wouldn't do that to us."

Ro bhai assured me, he seemed to trust the drug dealer and I trusted him.
So to not overthink and not forcefully drag the drug dealer out of here, I decided to trust Ro and Vi bhai, that they would convince him in time and decided to turn my attention to Ish instead. I turned around to look at him and found the spot empty. I looked around the room and he wasn't there. I looked around panicked and turned to see Ro bhai already looking at me and noticing Ishan's absence.

He looked calmer than me, but nodded at me, signaling me to go look for him and that they would handle the drug dealer.


My second last paper just ended and my last one is on Friday, so I'll update only after that ends now.

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