7. He is mad

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Shubman's pov

That day he had decided to not come home and crash with Rishabh instead, in his room at the warehouse. I was against it but he had locked himself in Rish's room and refused to let me enter or talk to me.
"Open the door."
"Ummm he doesn't look like he's in the mood to open the door and I physically am being held back so I can't."

"You're much stronger Rish, just push him off and open the damn door. It's an order."
"He has me tied on the bed, I literally cannot. Plus he's strong, he isn't letting me even move."
"Ouhh kinkyyy."
I looked towards the voice who had said that and it was Surya bhai, he was grinning until I shot him a glare which made him zip his mouth and leave.

"Ishan please open the door and come home with me."
"He says no."
"Shut up Rishabh."
"Ouch. Why am I even being dragged in your guys' fight in the first place?"
"Ishhhh pleasee"
"Bro, just leave man he's not coming."
"Fine. Whatever. Be stubborn, I'm leaving."

Saying that I walked off annoyed but as I turned the corner I waited hoping that maybe he would open the door to check if I had actually left. Ten minutes passed and there was still no sign of him opening the door.
I sighed and decided that enough was enough. I left the warehouse angrily and reached my house in record time as I drove rashly due to my anger or more like frustration, I somehow just couldn't be angry at him.

I made my way to the door and when I opened the door, everything just felt wrong. Entering the house, without Ishan by my side. The house felt empty. I felt empty. Not liking this feeling at all, I made my way back to the car and started driving as I made my way back to the warehouse.
"I thought you left?"
Surya bhai was shocked seeing me back in the warehouse.

"I did."
He looked at me confused but I just walked off not wanting to explain.
I made my way towards my office and decided to indulge myself in work. I fell asleep in my chair while working in the middle of the night. Rohit bhai woke me up in the morning and looked at me confused,
"Why are you sleeping here? We have already finished all our work."

"I was just going over the plan of the mission again."
"Is it because of Ishan?"
He asked completely ignoring my previous statement.
"How did you know?"
I looked at him surprised.
"I overheard Surya talking to Hardik about the matter....even if I hadn't overheard them though, I would've still guessed the reason, of you spending the night here in your office was Ishan."

"He effects you alot. This past month having him around, you've been, I don't know, I wouldn't say distracted but it's something. You never liked going home before, since you felt alone."
He looked at me intensely for a while, when I didn't answer. He was trying to figure my thoughts out. He sighed before continuing.

"You do know what you're doing right?"
"Yes.... I think so."
"Okay then I won't say anything."
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"I don't know, for trusting my judgement I guess."
"You're the leader Shub, we are supposed to follow your orders."
"Please like you all actually do that."

I chuckled and Rohit bhai gave me a knowing smile. We both knew no one was really scared of me in my team, and neither did anyone blindly follow me.
I then looked at the time and realised I was ten minutes late for Ishan's training. I excused myself trying to make my way to the gym when Rohit bhai looked at me apologetically. I raised my left eyebrow questioning him.

"I was actually here to discuss about our back up plan."
"There is no back up plan."
"I know, but there should be one, we don't know the number of The Spades' men that would be present in the suppliers house."
"It doesn't matter we'll kill them all."
"Shub- we don't want to do this at the cost of our men though, do we?"
I didn't have an answer for that.

Ofcourse I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. My main aim was to wipe off The Spades' existence, but not at the cost of any more of our men.
"Fine, if there are too many men and we have to abort the mission, we will need to find an escape route to get out unharmed."
As the both of us further discussed the back up plan, we came up with an escape route and also made a few other changes in the positions.

The Spades hadn't always been our enemy, obviously since all of us were in the same business there was some competition and some rivalry but not to the extent that we would be planning to wipe them off of existence. All of us had a common enemy instead. The police.
This changed though when The Spades decided to not only sabotage and steal our supplier of weapons.

Weapons that obviously, only we were in business of and sold to other countries illegally. The Spades only used to supply drugs and sell them, inside and outside India. They decided to steal our supplier to expand their business and sabotage ours. But the main issue was that they murdered my parents and a few of our other most trusted men, in order to eliminate us as their competitors.

What they hadn't expected was that I would take over my father's business. I had always been a quiet kid, staying under the shadows and living a fairly normal life, so when suddenly a random guy stood up to take over The Aces business, claiming to be the Gill's son, it would be an understatement to say it was out of syllabus for The Spades.

I had never wanted to enter this business wanting to live a normal life and my parents hadn't forced me to get into it either but when my parents got murdered I vowed to take away everything from The Spades. Starting with stealing their business and making them go bankrupt and ending with all of their deaths, especially the leader. This was our first mission against The Spades.

The purpose of this mission was to approach their drug dealer and convince him to supply drugs to us instead of The Spades. It would be a tough job. The guy wouldn't be easy to convince, having worked for The Spades for so long, so we would need to either make a good enough deal or threaten him. This would be the perfect start of our revenge since they had previously stolen our weapons supplier.

We would have to go in and kill all of The Spades men present at the drug dealer's place and then make sure to convince him, and take him with us before more men of The Spades arrived and tried to either kill us, or the drug dealer for his betrayal. When I looked up at the watch after finishing up with the plan, more than an hour had passed and I stood up and ran out of my office trying to reach the gym as quick as possible to train Ishan.

When I reached the gym, I saw Ishan training with Virat bhai and as I entered they both turned to look at me. Ishan and I made eye contact and he looked away instantly.


I wanted to wrap this story up shortly but with the way I'm going it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon :)

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