23. He is tricked

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Ishan's pov

(Chapter 1- this is from the day they first met, read again if you've forgotten)

I had recently been promoted and received one of the toughest tasks of my life. Nobody had ever gotten even close to completing this one. Whenever someone was promoted and was deemed good enough to try, they would sent them to see him, The Shubman Gill, and everyone would try to get themselves involved and somehow enter his inner circle or atleast try to get some information, but no one ever succeeded.

No matter what tricks they tried, from trying to seduce him, to gaining his sympathy, but that man was said to be heartless. He had never let anyone even come close to him. Today was the day that I'd have my try. I wasn't too positive but all I knew is, I'd try my best to succeed, if it happened, well- then that was good, but if it didn't, I wouldn't sweat over it.

I was waiting tables, cleaning and all the other stuff, while trying to keep an eye on The Aces. They seemed like normal people from afar, goofing around but I knew the truth about them. I made my way towards them, trying to come up with a plan, and I panicked when I reached near them but couldn't think of anything so I chose the easiest trick to grab attention. I spilled the drink over him. Could it possibly get me killed? probably.

It did grab his attention though as I started wiping his shirt with napkins and when he grabbed my hands to stop me and we made eye contact, I felt my heartbeat rising. I had seen his pictures, but in no way did it do justice to how he actually looked. He was ethereal and wanting to control myself, I ran away, but I had to go back to continue my plan. I had my thoughts all over the place as I picked up shattered glass.

When he told me to be careful, I cut myself but that wasn't on purpose. His voice, his personality, his presence, him. He made me lose control. When he took my hands in his, examining the wound, I felt sparks through his touch. I was sure I was going insane and so I just snatched my hand out of his and ran away, missing a good opportunity of getting close to him. The getting fired and crying was a part of the plan, to try and gain his sympathy.

I had thought for sure it wouldn't have worked. I had seduced and gained sympathy of many people for missions, but this one seemed different. The minute I had seen him, I knew he couldn't just be seduced. I had to get in, in his life, I had to get involved and make him trust me for this to work. I, myself couldn't believe it had worked. I don't know, if it was the tears or the sad background story, which had helped me get through to him, but it had worked.

Looking back at it now, I don't know if I hoped that it wouldn't have worked. That he wouldn't have trusted me that day, just to avoid this heartbreak.
Or if I despite this heartbreak was satisfied with the love I had received, even if just for a short period of time, and wouldn't change a thing. I went back and forth with both options but couldn't come to a conclusion.
If I had avoided the heartbreak, I wouldn't have gotten to experience the love.

(Chapter 11- the mission)

I had stepped out of the room on my own and followed the guy from The Spades because I wanted to get information about them aswell. They were almost as dangerous as The Aces and needed to be caught and so I followed him, but he suddenly disappeared and then caught be off guard my pulling me to a room from the back. The worst thing was that he had seen me around.

He had seen me in my police attire and he recognized me. He told me he would expose me and tell The Aces, but when I asked what he would get in return he hesitated. He knew both of us would die even if he had exposed me and so we decided that I'd help him get out. He wanted to use me as leverage to get out and thus when Shubman walked in he pointed a gun to my head. That didn't work out for him though, as he died anyways.

Shubman had been shot because of it though and I felt a little guilty but I couldn't do anything, It was to protect my identity.

(Chapter 18- the day after they slept together)

When I woke up, I saw him peacefully sleeping next to me. My lower body hurt, but it wasn't my first time. I had seduced many criminals and had slept with a couple, to get information, even if I had been absolutely disgusted by them. It pained physically and was mentally traumatizing and didn't make me feel good at all. This was different though. This wasn't as painful physically as much as it pained my heart.

This meant something to me. I didn't do this to gain something out of it. It came naturally, the tension and the attraction, yet it was something much more than just that. I felt scared. Terrified to admit that we had made love. This wasn't fucking, this involved emotions. I had fallen in love with him and I was absolutely terrified of it. I didn't know what to do, but I saw his phone lying there.

I knew what I had to do and yet I was too scared to do it. Especially after what had happened last night. I couldn't. I had to. I had to do my job and fulfill my duty. So, I took his phone and went to my room. I called my fellow teammate and they installed a tracker in Shubman's phone. I deleted the number from the call log and then called Rishabh, which he didn't pick up. I was sure to get caught if I tried to keep the phone back in it's place and so I left it there and went to shower.


Since it is Ishan's pov now, the 'He' in the chapter name will be about Shubman.

Also I know it's boring, but it's just a filler chapter to like fill some loopholes I guess.

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