29. He is sorry

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Ishan's pov

I looked over at Virat bhai, grateful that he had stepped in.
"You didn't have to bhai-"
"No! He was being an asshole. He had it coming."
"What are you doing here so late, anyways bhai?"

"I followed you guys here. I saw you guys leaving, that too so late at night, so I assumed he was probably going to do something stupid. But when I saw him bringing you here, I thought he finally grew some brain, but I was proved wrong, yet again."

I looked towards Shubman, to see him looking pissed. I don't know if it was because of being called stupid, multiple times, or he was still mad at me, but I guess we would find out once Virat bhai would leave. Virat bhai seeming to get the hint, silently made his leave. I looked towards Shubman, about to ask him to speak but he went and laid on the bed.

And so having enough of his asshole behavior, I went and laid next to him as well. The difference between before and now was that , before we would sleep cuddling, and right now, we were laying facing each others backs, but if he wasn't going to speak to me, even after finding out that I hadn't betrayed him, not exactly, then he could go to hell.

"Are you asleep?"
I didn't answer.
"Did you really save them?"
"Is that so hard to believe?"
I didn't answer again and I could hear him sighing. He was frustrated.
"I'm sorry."
Ignored him again.
"I just- I wasn't mad at you right now. I was mad at myself. I AM mad at myself."

He sighed loudly again and I could feel him turning towards me, but I let him face my back and didn't turn around.
"I just need a minute okay. I swear I'll make it upto you and apologize properly. I just need to calm down first."
I turned around and looked into his eyes for a while. I slowly nodded and he sighed in relief. He raised his arms forward towards me.

"Can I?"
He was asking for consent, to hold me close to him. I nodded, feeling emotional, and he instantly pulled me closer to himself. I fell asleep right away, in his arms. The next day, when I woke up, Shub wasn't in bed. I got up and went downstairs to see him all dressed up.
"Where are you going?"
"Oh you're up!"

I nodded sleepily and he chuckled a little. He came closer to me, and placed a kiss on my forehead, lovingly.
"I'm going to the warehouse... you wanna come along?"
"I- I- just..."
"It'll just be for some time and you won't leave my side. Plus there's Vi and Ro bhai to protect you!"
"I don't know if I'm ready to face them yet... I'm scared that they'll hate me."

"Nobody can hate you, meri jaan. They might be mad for a bit, but they'll come around."
I nodded.
"Go get dressed. I'll wait for you."
I was halfway up the stairs and then I turned around and said.
"I have Abd bhai as well!"
Shubman turned around confused.
"To protect me."

"Ohh right! I keep forgetting you guys have met."
Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, because Shubman looked guilty and upset after it. Throughout our whole journey to the warehouse, he didn't say a word. When we reached, everyone was sitting on the dining table, about to have breakfast.
"Did you guys have breakfast yet?"
Virat bhai asked, as soon as he spotted us.

I shook my head and he forced us to sit. I looked around and everyone was pointedly staring at their plates and avoiding eye contact. There was an awkward silence, until Rohit bhai broke it and started discussing about some final mission of theirs. I mostly zoned out but then Surya bhai, pointed me out.
"Is he coming with us as well?"
He didn't mean it tauntingly or maybe he did and I just couldn't tell.

I heard some snickers around me, but didn't look up from my plate to see. I didn't want to see their murderous glares. Shub held my hand under the table.
"If he wants to."
He announced authoritatively.
"What so he can rat us out again?"
Siraj bhai said with a scoff. He earned a glare by Shubman at that, but he didn't back down.

However, when Vi bhai glared at him, he shut his mouth quickly. After that, the breakfast went smoothly enough. Shubman had some work to do, so I stayed in the hall with Abd bhai and we just chatted for a while before Rishabh came in.
"Oh! I didn't know you guys were here. I'll just leave-"
"No, No, stay!"
Abd bhai said and I looked at him surprised.

Rishabh awkwardly sat, not being able to refuse Ab bhai. After a while Ab bhai slickly got up, saying he had some work and left. I decided to make small talk.
"So...when is the mission?"
"Why? You actually planning on coming?"
"I don't know...probably not."
"It's a couple days from now."
I nodded.
"I miss Mayank!"

I randomly blabbered after a while, not being able to take the silence. He raised his eyebrow, giving me a confused look.
"Ohh he's a friend from work..."
"You're just quoting Thor now."
We both chuckled and just then Shubman came back. I started thinking about Mayank. It had been a month since we last met and he saw me getting kidnapped. He must've been worried sick.

I just hoped he wouldn't end up doing something stupid. Shubman insisted I go on the mission with them, since it was the final one. They would destroy The Spades gang. I didn't want to go but he looked, I don't know, peaceful? Like he was finally going to avenge his parents deaths and so I didn't want to disappoint him and I agreed to go along with him. I was nervous about how the others would react, but as long as I had Shub with me. I hoped, I'd be okay.


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