13. He is concerned

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Shubman's pov

"ISHAN, hit the brakes."
As Ishan, just in time, as the other car was almost about to collide with ours, hit the brake, we lost the control of our car a little due to the sudden brake. Before our car could come to a screeching halt, narrowly missing the other car from collision, our car hit a tree and both Ishan and I jerked forward. As the both of us weren't wearing a seatbelt and Ishan was sitting on the floor of the car, I instantly held his head in place, to prevent him from hitting his head.

Thankfully, I was able to hold him back from colliding to the front of the car, but with the force of the stop, I couldn't prevent myself from jerking forward and hitting my head on the steering wheel. It wasn't anything serious though, as the collision wasn't that bad, and I was still conscious. I looked down at Ishan and pulled him back up, making him sit on my lap.
"Are you okay?"
I asked taking his face in my palms and inspecting his face for any hints of an injury.

He nodded his head, but I still let my eyes linger slowly throughout his body, making sure of it myself.
"I'm okay Shub."
As I let my hands drop from his face, relieved that he was fine, his gaze went towards my forehead and he instantly took my face in his palms, looking at my forehead, which was now probably bleeding.
"Oh my god!! You're hurt!"
"I'm okay. It was just a little bump."
I assured him, smiling at his concern.

I then looked forward to see that The Spades car had collided with the light pole right in front of us. Phew, we really got lucky in avoiding the car. I saw that our other three cars had eliminated the last of The Spades car aswell and had now stopped a little in front of us and got off their cars, making their way towards ours. Ro bhai was the first one to reach us and was just relieved to see us alive. Vi bhai had looked at my forehead and given a shake of his head in disapproval, but hadn't said anything and just opened the car door.

"Are you guys okay?"
Asked Rahul bhai and I just nodded my head, assuring him that we were fine.
"The more important question here though is, why is Ishan on your lap? Was the whole car not enough?"
Asked Rish, smirking at me, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Fuck off."
I got off the car and placed Ishan on the floor gently. We abandoned our car there and sat in Vi and Ro bhaiya's car, heading back to our warehouse.

Upon reaching the warehouse, I didn't get off the car as Ishan was now asleep, with his head on my shoulder. Mahi bhai and Ro bhai got off the car and Vi bhai turned the car off, about to get off, but then he looked back at me through the rear view mirror.
"Aren't you getting off?"
I looked down at Ishan, who was still fast asleep and looked back at bhaiya.
"Can you please drop us to my mansion?"
"Don't you need first aid though?"
"I'll just call the doctor to my mansion."

Vi bhai sighed but couldn't disagree.
"Are you going to keep sitting in the back and make me feel like a driver?"
I said looking down at a sleeping Ishan once again. I heard bhaiya groaning, but he started the car nonetheless and drove us to the mansion. When we reached, I was about to carry Ishan when Vi bhai stopped me.
"Are you crazy? You have a bullet in your arm."
"I'll be fine."

Before he could protest more, I quickly picked Ishan up (bridal style) and got out of the car, carrying him inside. My arm had started bleeding, as I could see Ishan's jacket getting soaked in blood, but I didn't pay much attention and walked to my room, gently laying him down on my bed. The doctor showed up soon after, as Vi bhai had already called him and asked him to come. The door bell had woken Ishan up and when I came back along with the doctor to my bedroom, he was sitting on my bed looking confused.

The doctor removed the bullet and did my bandaging and left soon after. I noticed Ishan, sitting in the same position, the whole time the doctor did my first aid. I could feel his eyes on me and surprisingly everytime I had looked back at him, he hadn't moved his gaze away from me or shyed away. We were both alone again in my room and I finally looked back at him.
"What is it?"
He replied finally looking away.

"You've been looking at for the past half an hour babe. You didn't even look away, when I caught you staring."
"I was just- I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for, my love?"
"I should've just listened to you."
"Yeah, you shouldn't have wandered off when I specifically asked you not to."
"I didn't wander off!"
"Then how did you end up in that situation?"
He pouted angrily at me.

"I was just trying to protect you and watch your back like you asked, but then I saw someone pass by the door and I stepped out to check. I hadn't even stepped out of the room completely and was about to turn around to inform you, when the guy held me from the back and covered my mouth with his hand and dragged me away."
"Well then why are you sorry? I should be sorry, for not being able to protect you."
I said now feeling guilty that he had been taken away from right behind me and I hadn't paid attention.

"I'm sorry because..."
He looked down for a while, pausing, and when he looked back up, I could see tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry for forcing you to take me along on the mission. I guess I wasn't ready for it. I should've just listened to you and trained properly first."
He focused his attention back to his hands on his lap and I sat there observing him for a while, before scooting closer to him and held his hand, which was now wet due to the fallen tears on it.
"Look at me baby."


Okay I promised an update, so here it is.
I can literally write everyday if I want to, but I'm too lazy.

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