2: Weed vs Vermin

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After laying there for like ten minutes, you finally push your ass up to sit straight. Ugh, the lower right side of your dress and the side of your right leg are stained with green and dirt from being dragged into the cavern against your will. You lost your hold on your purse, so it's not down here with you. You guess it's not a big deal since you only had a few things in there that didn't matter much.

You finally take a gander at the injury on your leg: small, shallow puncture wounds that circle your ankle and spiral upward to halfway up your calf. The blood is already drying against your skin and clotting up to stop the bleeding. Shit, you need to clean it as soon as possible if you don't want it to get infected. However, looking around where you are, you don't think you'll get anything to clean it with any time soon.

The rocky walls travel high, high up, giving you absolutely no hope of climbing up to freedom. You don't even know how to rock climb, but you would've liked the option to. The bed of golden flowers reminds you of something funny.

With a grunt, you stand up and hiss at the pain in your leg and lower back.

"Ah... Oh, this sucks..."

It's barren in here, even the patch of grass is strictly beneath the flowers that are conveniently in the center of where you fell. To your right, you see a path leading down towards a dark grey... frame? The design of it feels familiar, yet also creates a pit in your stomach that you can't describe.

You can walk just fine, and the pain isn't that overbearing but you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from hissing. As you get closer to the frame, you recognize the symbol that is engraved in the stone.

'Ain't no fucking way...'

You speed up to walk through the frame and immediately see-

Flowey the mother-fucking Flower looks at you in surprise and confusion. He's bigger than you thought he would be. Well, he's about the size of the other flowers you landed on, but those were fucking huge too. His "face" and petals alone were about the size of your head.

You don't know if you're hallucinating this whole scenario or not, but you have a good feeling you know who to blame for your current predicament. Until you wake up from your coma (surely, this is just in your head because there's no way this is actually happening), you are taking your frustrations out on this piss-tray-colored fuck.

"You little cuck!" You point accusingly at the flower while angrily marching up to him, "You dragged my ass down here!"

"You-Who are-"

"-And don't even try to say: "Oh, no! It wasn't me!" You mocked him with a deep, derpy voice before going back to normal, "I know it was totally you! Where am I??"

You know exactly where you are, but also you don't know...? Because this can't be the Underground. This can't be the deep, dark cavern filled with scary monsters. You can't... You just can't be in Undertale?!?!

Flowey seems to get over his shock, smiling forcefully because he did not miss the fact that you called him a cuck.

You are... You are not who he was expecting.

Frisk... Frisk hasn't been back in a long time. And while Flowey doesn't have enough power to leave the Underground, if he expends enough energy and power, he can manipulate his vines to barely reach the surface. So when he managed to wrap his vines over someone's leg, he thought it had to be Frisk since they are the only one who went to that spot.

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