18: Sexy Nurse (?)

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You suppose one of the benefits of being sick is that you have a cheap excuse to be lazy. You get to sit around all day and boondoggle! You bet Sans is jealous of your bitch ass for that, too.

Though, as much as you adore Papyrus (you guess Sans is okay), you cannot trust them to get the right things on your list. It's a little too late since they left over thirty minutes ago; they left with your list, and almost all of your gold doubloons. You debated watching some TV but they don't have shows other than Mettaton's (sometimes), and you don't feel like watching that sexy robot.


Actually, you wonder what Mettaton will look like in person.

You're not in a rush to find out, though.

You get up from the couch, going to your suitcase to pick out some warmer clothes and a dark blue-gray hoodie. If you were a more confident bitch, you would just get dressed in the living room. But what if Sans suddenly shows up without warning while you're half naked? Oh God, what if Papyrus shows up?! You don't want to traumatize him with your nakedness.

You change in the washroom instead, getting your sad twenty gold pieces, and leave the house. You make sure not to lock the door behind yourself, hoping it'll be just fine since you're not planning to go far.

Ugh, the cold is so uncomfortable. You shouldn't be out here, it's only going to make your sickness worse. You really don't want to wait for Sans and Papyrus to do this, so you're getting it over with now.

You stay by the door and look down your right. There doesn't seem to be a lot of people outside right now. There's the white bear tending to the Christmas tree (you think, it's hard to tell from this distance), and the brown bear in front of Grillby's, presumably talking to the white bear. You guess it's too early for Monster Kid to be out here. Or maybe he's at school? No, it can't be that; it's a Saturday (the 26th of January) and you would like to have hope that the poor kids don't have school on the weekends.

You gnaw at your bottom lip in thought. You could safely walk to the shop without drawing too much attention, but you don't feel good enough to be outside for long. Perhaps you can take the tunnel instead. It should be right next to the house, right-


You turn to your left with wide eyes, the familiar, meek, and smooth voice breaking you from your thoughts.

"Oh, my gosh! Napstablook, hey!"

The ghost of the hour has a little smile on his face, floating closer to you and rocking those headphones. You lean against the door and cross your arms in a subconscious effort to keep warm.

You ask, "What are you doing out here, man? Do you come to Snowdin Town often?"

He shakes his upper half, "i pass through here to get to the ruins since it's the shortest path. i was on my way to see you, but..." The ghost glances at the house, wincing very slightly but you notice it, "looks like you moved out of the ruins, huh...?"

"Toriel and I agreed that it would be better for me if I got out of the catacombs. Sans apparently volunteered to take me in," You shake your head, "But you know what I think? I think it was all part of a set-up."

You smirk and narrow your eyes at the other, "And I think you helped him with that."

He widens his eyes and shrinks back. "i... i-i-i-"

"-Sorry, I'm just teasing you," You tell him honestly, "I mean, I do think you and bone boy set this up for some reason, but I'm not mad at you or anything."

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