16: Alright Campers, Today's Activity is to Find a Will to Keep Going

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Man, you wish Sans would pick a better time to be considerate. You know yourself well enough that if you took a shower, you wouldn’t want to go out anywhere afterward. Because of this, you left for Grillby’s feeling a little icky and dirty.

“Remember when I had this cool plan to take a shower?” You bring up, walking by Sans’ side, “I don’t look like total shit, do I?”

Sans gives you an obvious once over, “nah. just as spoiled when i first saw you.”

“What?! Spoiled?!

“your dress reminds me of this ice queen in one of pap’s bedtime stories.” Sans explains as if that’ll fix anything, “she sings about letting go of her past, and has this magical girl transformation with her dress using her ice powers.”

“…Motherfucker, you mean ELSA?!

“oh, so you know that story, too.”

GIRL 😭!!!!

“But Elsa isn’t spoiled at all!”

“right, but it’s that royal vibe she has. your fancy dress gives off the same vibe.”

Ohhh,” You lean close to him with a smug little grin, “So you think I’m a Queen, huh? Someone worth all the attention and gifts and praise?”

He rolls his eye-lights and shoves you away playfully, “yeah right, in your dreams.”

“Hey, can’t blame a girl for wanting to live the luxury,” You shake your head with a sigh, “Like the time when I barely turned twenty-one, I signed up on so many Sugar Daddy sites.”

“…” Sans narrows his eye sockets at you, “what’s—a sugar daddy?”



“Uh, anyway,” You look at the brown building you two stopped in front of, “This is Grillby’s, huh? Any hot tips I should know about before we go in?”

“eh, there ain’t any rules if that’s what you’re worried about. just don’t do anything you wouldn’t normally do at a bar and burger joint. grillby can be a little hot-headed.”

That was weak as fuck.

“Why do I have a feeling you’re setting me up with some kind of pun?” You narrow your eyes, already knowing.

His grin is so smug and full of mischief.

Bro is up to some dubious deeds.

Bro is up to no good.

The short(?) monster opens the door for you, gesturing for you to go in first. You bow slightly and say thank you, stepping into the building that will soon become one of your favorites.

The music is a fucking banger, nothing like the OST that plays in the game. It’s something like nasty jazz that makes you feel like a secret mafia boss. One that wears a skimpy, blood-red silk dress, and black silk gloves. Oh, and you're “mourning” the loss of your husband that you definitely didn’t kill.

God, what a fucking banger.


“Huh?” You shake your head, “Sorry, I was daydreaming. The music got my fantasies going.”

pfft-about what?”

Sans starts walking further in, so you keep up by his side. It seems like he’s taking you to the bar. It looks like Grillby’s regulars are still here: the ugly fish, Ugly Fish, at the bar next to the birdy, Red Bird. The drunk rabbit monster, Drunk Bun, absolutely plastered at the booth closest to the entrance. And the mouthy monster with huge teeth, Big Mouth, is minding his own business. Lesser Dog and Doggo were here too playing Poker with each other. Greater Dog, Dogamy, and Doggaressa weren’t here; it was getting late now, so maybe they’d gone home.

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