12: I Will Show You Around Snowdin Town

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You’re put off that you’re not going to be doing any of the puzzles, but you understand that it’s reserved for Papyrus. You might try to encourage Papyrus to take you to do them eventually since you thought they were pretty fun in the game.

As for your journey to Snowdin, it’s going pretty well. It throws you off that there isn’t a “Day/Night” cycle in the Underground because even though it looks bright, you know that it’s supposed to be dinner time soon. The time on your phone also says it’s about 6pm too, but it doesn’t look like it.

Anyway, much to your gratitude, Sans was just fine with letting you take your time to explore the area as you went along. He’d either hang back with his hands in his pockets, or by your side to make some jokes with you.

“Lookie lookie!” You held up the Tough Glove, “This is great for five-fingered folks! I wonder where the other one is, though…”

The worn, pink leather glove doesn’t look like it would fit you, though. It could probably fit a child, though.


A… child…

You frown and take the glove, “I won’t get in trouble for taking this, right?”

“a box lover left it in there, so i doubt it.” Sans tilts his head, “doesn’t look like it’ll fit your hand, though.”

“I know, but…” You put the glove in your dress’s pocket, “Anyway, let’s keep moving, yeah?”

“uh, sure thing.”

There are a lot of monsters in the area, but none of them dare to approach you. You guess it’s because you’re walking with Sans, but… You don’t know how to explain it, it feels strange being avoided. You know that’s the whole damn point, but you feel like you’re missing out on something.

So that’s why when you two reached Doggo’s house, you were a little excited!

“now this part, we gotta be a little sneaky,” Sans whispers, “doggo will jump your bones if he sees anything moving.”

“…” You bite your bottom lip, “That’s what she said.”



“i walked right into that one, didn’t i?”

You shrugged while walking with the purpose of making noise with the snow beneath your boots, “Anyway, I’m sure it’ll be fine-WUAHAHH!!


Something jumps right out of the doghouse and tackles you into the ground. Large paws have you pinned down by thighs, and slightly smaller paws are pressed down onto your shoulders. An animal’s muzzle was pressed under your chin with its wet nose sniffing your neck.

Nooo! Doggo got you!! You could probably just brute-force yourself to be free, but you don’t want to hurt him by accident.

Pfft—Hey, hey!” The feeling was tickling you, making you laugh, “Get-Get off!”

Doggo pulls back with a growl, making you flinch slightly, “That smell…! You’re a human!!”

Whaa-haatt?? Nooo!!” You look around for Sans but the fucker was just watching at a distance! “I-I think you have my smell confused with-with uh…. Uh… M-My perfume…?”

“…Your what?”

Doggo looks like a husky—an unnaturally large husky with humanoid proportions. There’s a dog treat held in his teeth, you wonder if he’s going to smoke it later. He’s glaring at you with very shifty eyes, as if he’s having a hard time trying to locate you-

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