11: That Was a Real Rib-Tickler

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Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t take much to persuade Papyrus into letting a human stay with them and NOT report you to Undyne. He had an internal battle with himself about lying, but after explaining your situation a bit, and saying how you just want to live peacefully, he gave in pretty quickly.

Papyrus is sympathetic to your situation (specifically how there’s a crazy monster who really wants your soul), and even volunteered to clean out the Capture Zone so you’d have somewhere to sleep!

Sans then had to stop his brother because no, you cannot sleep in the garage (if you told Toriel… oof, there’s no telling how she’d react). Instead, you can just crash on their couch.


And so it’s the next day after talking to Toriel, and Sans will be returning with you in time for dinner! Their new… roommate? Papyrus is so excited! In fact, while Sans is going to get you, Papyrus will take this time to make you some spaghetti as a great welcome!

That’ll be a great surprise for sure.

In all honesty, Sans is a little nervous to meet you. Toriel said you’re nice, but the way Toriel basically threatened him yesterday… It’s like you’re her little princess or something. Sans actually has to watch out for you because if he doesn’t, there’s a real chance you’ll snitch him out. How inconvenient. But if this is what he needs to get to know the new human and determine if you’re a real threat or not, then he’ll just have to deal with it.

Sans is out of range of the camera’s lense that’s hidden in the bush that’s by the Ruin doors. He’s gotta find a way to hide you from it without it being suspicious. From what he knows, it doesn’t have a mic, so that’s one problem out of the way. He could just… He can just stand in front of it with his back turned towards it?


The doors slowly push open, so Sans hurries (not really) to move in front of the bush, putting his hands in his sweater’s pockets.

Goddamn…!” A female voice grunts from effort on the other side of the doors, “These doors are so fucking heavy, what the fuck?!


Sans debates if he should help you or not, but he kinda wants to see where this goes. The doors are hard to push open because of the snow getting caught in the bottom. It doesn't seem like you're entirely aware of that though.

Hooooh, my fuck!” The door opens more, revealing [h/c] hair, “Okay, I know I’m not weak, this is so embarrassing…!”

…Okay, he’ll admit that was funny. You know what will be funnier, though?

Oh so casually, Sans uses a bit of magic to swing open the doors.


A body falls to the ground, getting a face full of snow. A suitcase was still in the Ruins behind you. While you’re busy eating shit, Sans pulls your suitcase so he can close the doors. He looks down at you, holding back a snicker.

Well, you look like a princess with that dress of yours, but he probably shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. With a soft whine, you push yourself up with your hand while the other goes to wipe the snow off your face. Then, you tense up. Slowly, you turn your head to look at his feet. Gradually, your eyes and head travel up until you two finally make eye contact.

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