7: Your Mom Paid Me to be Your Friend (but She Forgot to Pay Me)

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You yawn dramatically, stretching your arms above your head but you end up knocking your knuckles harshly on the headboard above you.


That certainly woke you up. You reluctantly pull yourself out of bed, just sitting there for a moment with your eyes closed. You… You don’t feel like doing anything today, if you’re honest. You and Toriel made plans today to go buy groceries to try making a recipe you found in one of her books. Now that you’re actually awake though, you don’t want to do anything. You just want to waste away in bed for today.

You’re sure you’ll have more energy tomorrow-

Knock Knock Knock.

You cover your mouth with your elbow when you yawn again, “Yes?”

Toriel opens the door and enters the room with a smile, “Good morning, my child. Nice to see you are already waking up.”

“My body is getting into the habit of waking up at this time, I guess,” You reply, smiling at her, “Are we going out for breakfast again today?”

“I–Yes,” Toriel’s smile becomes a bit strained at your tone, “Take your time to get dressed as always, alright?”


She leaves the room swiftly and closes the door behind her. Her smile drops to an expression of sadness immediately. Toriel is sure that you didn’t mean to, but your tone was so exhausted, and not the type of exhaustion that came from drowsiness. You’re getting tired of routine already. You need something new.

Toriel takes a deep breath, nods to herself, and hardens her resolve. It’s going to be fine, you’re going to be fine. After all, there’s someone she wants you to meet (again) after breakfast.


You tilt your head to the right.

Napstablook tilts his head (rather, the top part of his body) to the right.

You tilt your head to the left.

Napstablook tilts his head to the left.

You straighten up.

Napstablook also straightens up.

You grin, “Hey, man! You’re that ghost from my second day here, the one who’s really good at fake sleeping!”

The ghost perks up with a little smile, “you remembered me…?”

“Of course I did! You’re one of a kind, you know,”

A red, ghosty blush appears on his cute little face. As you and Toriel returned from breakfast, you were surprised to see Napstablook just waiting outside, lying down and (presumably) feeling like garbage while a song blasted from his headphones. When he noticed you two, he swiftly got up, and his headphones disappeared somehow.

Wow. That was pretty cool. You have no idea how he did that.

“um… i was wondering if… if you would like to hang out…” The ghost asks awkwardly, “but i understand if you don’t want to… no pressure…”

“Wait, really?” You smile wide, “Yeah, that’d be great, dude! Oh, I’m [Y/n] [L/n], by the way. But just [Y/n] is fine.”

Yep! Napstablook already knows, but he nods anyway.

“i am napstablook, but you can call me blook, or blooky…” He looks at Toriel, “if it’s okay, i’ll take [y/n] to my favorite music store here in the ruins…”

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