3: House in (the) Ruins

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A/N: There's not a single bathroom in Undertale! This is completely understandable since it was mentioned that monster food is magic so it does not spoil and does not pass through the body. Instead, it heals/recovers HP. So eating monster food is implied to disappear when you eat it since it turns into magic energy to heal you. There's no need to pee/shit it out.

So it's reasonable they don't have toilets in the underground.

But not even a shower room? They've mentioned showering and bathing before, and I'm sure this was just a design error at the time, or maybe it was purposely left out to save time and effort in creating the game. However, for the sake of storytelling and filling in minor plot holes provided by the game, I'm giving ALL the houses/inns at least a shower room.

Anyway, please enjoy this chapter!


You open your eyes slowly, meeting a dark red ceiling though it only takes you a second to realize that it's dark in this place you're in. Memories flood your mind, and you're slightly embarrassed about your behavior towards Flowey.

How shameful can you be... to only call him a cuck the whole time??? Were you really in such a blind panic that that was the only insult you could say??? You never learned how to handle serious situations growing up, and now it's biting you in the ass because you almost died so many times yesterday...


You're starting to suspect that you aren't in a coma and that you've just... somehow ended up in... ugh... In Undertale. Why don't you want to admit it fully? Probably because shit like that is impossible. It feels like it was only yesterday when you were making a boner joke featuring Sans and Papyrus, and telling Elliot how you were thinking about revisiting it after two years.

Sitting up properly in the bed that you are noticing is smaller than for someone your size, you take a look around with a scrunched-up nose. You were obsessed with Undertale when you were younger, so even though you haven't played the game in a while, you still remember this room very well. Two dressers, a lamp, and a few chests with different items. The lamp by the bed doesn't appear to be working, so you'd have to turn on the light with the other.

You look down at yourself and notice that you're not in pain anymore. You touch your thigh and run your hand down your leg. The wounds are gone, and the blood as well. You're still wearing your dirty dress though.

You sigh.

Putting a hand on your chest, you think back to your soul.

Your Yellow Soul.

...Wait, or was it orange?

It looked too deep of a color to be that bright yellow but way too light to be orange. Maybe it IS yellow, and you're just used to the souls being in plain, flat colors.

It's yellow, but what does that mean for you?

You know a lot about Undertale, but not a lot about what soul colors mean. You know about the Red Souls: they contain Determination, and Determination can give you the power to Save and Reset (you think, you're pretty sure you saw a theory once that Red itself is not Determination). You THINK you know that Cyan is associated with Patience, and Yellow is Justice, but only because of the Sans lore during a No Mercy run. That's as far as your knowledge goes though. Maybe you can try asking someone when you can.

But... is that really your defining feature? You don't know if you consider yourself to have a strong sense of Justice, Justice is something you associate with your buddy Elliot more than yourself. Unless your soul is more of a premonition of who you'll eventually become? But that doesn't really make sense either.

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