8: Am I Gregnant?

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Toriel is standing outside the bathroom door with concern, respecting your privacy enough that she isn’t going to barge in, but still nosey to stand right outside. You knew this day would come, you just… you just weren’t ready for it.

“[Y/n], my child. I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Toriel says loudly.

“I’m gonna be bleeding out of my vagina for the next seven days, Toriel. This is as bad as it gets for me!” You shout from the bathtub, “Monsters don’t get their periods, so the Underground can’t sell me any pads or tampons!”

“I-I’m not sure I know what that is-”

“Further proving my point!”

“-But I’m sure we can find something that can help you.”

So you may or may not have started your period. Whoopdie-fucking-doo. Just as you were afraid of, you have no idea how you should navigate these (red) waters. You don’t have any pads or tampons, and monsters don’t have a menstrual cycle so there aren’t any products you can use.

The only solution you can think of is Dr. Alphys.

‘Sounds crazy, but LET ME COOK!’

From what you’re understanding in these books Toriel has, monsters don’t necessarily get sick, so there is no need to have primary doctors the way humans do. There is also no need to learn about human biology (obviously), but as the Royal Scientists, Dr. Alphys (and Sans but you still don’t really want anything to do with him) is more capable than everyone else in the Underground of learning something as complex as basic human biology.

You’re sure if you disguise it as allowing yourself to become a focus of study, Dr. Alphys will be eager to take the opportunity to learn about how you tick. In return for being a test subject, you ask her to help you make tampons that are safe for your body.

You know at the very least tampons are made of a bunch of cotton and rayon, but you’re no fucking expert (yet) so you can’t be so sure.

The only problem is that this requires Dr. Alphys to learn about your identity. You’re not too sure if this is a problem you want right now. You can’t just spend the whole week in the bathtub as your blood gets washed away (TMI, who cares), but you’re not too sure if you’re comfortable with sticking cotton up in your vagina either.


Actually, wait.

”Toriel!” You call out, “Do you have any cotton and thin string?”

”Huh? We have a lot of leftover yarn from the sewing kit, but I don’t think I have any cotton… Give me a moment to look.”

She doesn’t leave you waiting for long, but she doesn’t come back with the best of news.

”I’m afraid I only have a few cotton balls left. Is that enough?”

Shit, it won’t be at all. Also, cotton balls aren’t the most ideal materials. Hmm… another option could be utilizing diapers and somehow turning them into pads. Wait, why don’t you just do that? It’s not the most ideal, but when you don’t have many options, there isn’t much room to complain. Besides, you’re pretty sure they’re more absorbent than actual pads anyway.

”You wouldn’t happen to have baby diapers, would you?” You ask loud enough for her to hear.

”Ah… baby diapers? No, I’m afraid not. Would you like me to buy some?”

”YES! Please!” You nearly sob in relief, “Just… Ughh, I really don’t want you to buy what’s unnecessary since they’re so expensive-”

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