Prologue 1

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Issei was doing light exercise at the park as he wanted to get stronger due to what happen a while ago, he consisted with 700 pounds each of weights on his arms, legs and chest. Unknowingly to him, he were being watched by the silver haired woman known as Grayfia Lucifuge, Sirzechs Lucifer's Queen.

Grayfia: "For someone his age, he's quite durable enough to withstand such weights. He are quite cute little boy who eventually grow up into such an eye candy."

She can't help but blush as it was the first time in a long time that she ever feel this way ever since she broke up with Sirzechs. Issei who notices her presence, said in wary tone.

Issei: "Whoever you are, come out. It's not nice to stalk someone. Not that I mind being watch by beautiful women but it's getting troublesome."

Grayfia startled a bit that she were busted by a boy who were much younger than her, in the end she knows he's right so she walks out from her hiding spot.

Grayfia: "Impressive, you have quite sharp sense for a kid. How did you know I was watching you from a distance? Pry to tell me, I'm curious."

Issei: "Your aura is inhuman. A while ago I met someone who have different aura than yours and mine. He corrupted some of the kids my age with his ridiculous speech about breasts. It is a shame for Norse God Mythology to behave such manner. And I knew exactly what you are... Devil."

Grayfia was shocked were an understatement, she can't believe the boy before her able to tell what she is despite their first meeting, although it shocks her even more that he knows Norse God Odin by his aura alone. She can tell this boy is quite perspective and sharp one.

Grayfia: "For a human who barely age 10, you are very smart, sharp and perspective. You able to tell what I am with a glance, that's commendable. That's right, I'm a Devil. My name is Grayfia Lucifuge, a pleasure."

She smiles at him and that moment he was struck by love cupid as he fell in love with her instantly. Her smile was a rare sight to behold, her sweet voice, soft and red lips. He wants it all to himself. He stopped the exercise and stand straight, looking at her in the eye with his red face.

Issei: "I-I-I'm Ise Hyodo.... it's an honour to meet someone as gorgeous as you are, miss. Please forgive my rude comments earlier."

He practically bowed to her that his forehead kisses the ground. Grayfia lightly giggles at the boy's words that she finds it very cute. If you can see, her cheeks slightly tainted with red color indicating that she blushing.

Grayfia: "It's fine. It is understandable if you behave that way since it is our first time meeting so I don't blame you at all. Don't worry about it okay?"

Issei: "Ahh, such a wonderful woman. You're an angel, miss Grayfia."

Issei gets on his feets and smiles at her. Grayfia can't help but chuckled were called Angel despite being a Devil herself. She tapped her lap, indicating him to sit here. Issei who extremely nervous went there and sit comfortably on her lap. He cried in joy that he were blessed with this moment.

Grayfia: "You're such an easy going kid, Ise-sama. It is adorable."

Issei: "No need with the honorific stuff, just call me Ise. I'm not one with formalities."

Grayfia: "Then I call you Ise-kun, is that alright with you?"

She looks at him but to her surprise, she were kissed roughly by the boy as she felt her lips smashed with his. She didn't expect a boy his age would be so bold and daring to kiss her. She can tell that this boy has a lot of guts. As she melted into his warmth, she recopricated the kiss, letting his tongue went into her mouth, clashes with hers for dominance. Few minutes afterwards, he broke the kiss and looks at her.

Issei: "I'm sorry... I don't know why I did what I did.. my mind simply went blank.. but I know one thing..."

He holds her hand and rubs it with his thumb.

Issei: "I... I love you Grayfia-san... I know it sounds ridiculous since we just met today but I can't ever lie to my feelings for you..."

Grayfia smiles softly at the boy's confession.

Grayfia: "What a coincidence. I feel the same way you do, Ise-kun. It is bold for a boy your age to confess to someone like me but it is admirable that you were honest with your feelings. I'm happy that our feelings are mutuals but you need to work hard if you want me. Train harder to become stronger so in the future, we will be able to be together forever."

Issei: "I will. There will be no way I let someone else took you away from me! You are mine and mine alone!"

With new motivation, he strive to train harder than ever before if he wants to be with her for the rest of his life. She giggles at his words, it's cute and bold at the same time.

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