Prologue 2

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[8 years later]

17 years old brunette boy who are well known as the biggest pervert amongst the perverted trio in Kouh were seen heading to Kouh Academy without much care in the world as the truth about him remains hidden underneath the fake persona he developed as to hide his immense power due to his result of training for 2 centuries in the realm he invented with the help of Grayfia Lucifuge.

The only one who knows about his true personality and appearance are his parents, his childhood crushes, Irina Shidou and kendo duo, Murayama and Katase, Saji Genshiro as well Grayfia, his girlfriend. He has been training hard for the last 8 years, he even achieved Balance Breaker and able to enter Juggernaut Drive. He is a prodigy in magic as he mastered the element of Fire which represents him as host of Ddraig, Red Dragon of Domination. He even mastered the draconic, Norse God, Black Magic to the extent, on top of it all, he mastered Touki and bit Senjutsu of Nekoshou.

"{Oy partner. Are you sure you gonna go through with this plan? Even not being a Devil, you still have no issue to hold such power within you. You are stronger than you were before.}" Ddraig said, hoping to sway his decision about his plan to get himself killed.

Issei: 'Not this again, Ddraig. We have discussed this last night. I maybe strong and able to hold my power within me but what you don't know that my body is beginning to tear itself apart. I have to get myself killed and reincarnated as a Devil even though I don't want to. I want the thrill, this is my opportunity to have fun. A bit of chaos were much fun than having a peaceful life.'

Ddraig let out a deep sigh as he expect this from his host given that he's no different than the host of Albion, seeing his host has no desire to change his mind, he reluctantly agreed with what his host doing.

"{Fine... you are pretty determined once you made the decision. I hope you know what you are doing.}" Ddraig said in low tone, indicating his defeat.

Issei: 'Relax Ddraig, I know what I'm doing.'

He said as he then cut the connections between him and Ddraig as he arrived to the academy. He encountered his •friends• at the school entrance.

Issei: "Yo Matsuda, Motohama!"

His •friends• turns around and looks at him then greets him.

Matsuda: "Yo Ise!"

Motohama: "You are quite high spirited today, did something happen? Could it be you found a spot?!"

He shouts at the boy who practically annoying inwards. He shrugged his shoulders.

Issei: "Nah, how about you two? Did you found a specific spot for admiring the arts?"

He asked although he feels disgusted to act like a pervert which is not his nature to behave so utterly disgraceful.

Matsuda: "Same here. How about you, Motohama?"

He asked.

Motohama: "Nope."

He shrugged off.

From afar, Murayama and Katase watching him having a conversation with Perverted Duo in the academy.

Murayama: "Huh... why did Ise-kun pretend to be a pervert anyway? I don't see any beneficial for him to do this..."

Katase: "Although I agree with you but..."

She smiles slightly.

Katase: "This is his choice. I'm sure he has a good reason for pretending to be a pervert. Don't get me wrong though, it's not like I want him to do this but if he wants to do it then who am I to stop him? Beside, it's not like we didn't know the real Ise-kun anyway."

Murayama: "Yeah you're right but still I don't want anyone badmouthing him behind his back... it made me sad..."

She shed tears before wiping it away.

Katase: "How about this then? We consult him and ask him to tell us the truth of what he tried to do. At the very least, it will lessen your worries about him."

She hoping this negotiation would work as it hurts her seeing her friend like this.

Murayama: "Sure, that's a good idea. I want to know what's in his head right now!"

(Back to Issei)

Issei: 'What the... I suddenly feel chill.. whoever it is... it can't be good.. I feel like someone had their sharp stare at me in this moment... oh god...'

He looks around to see if there's anyone who seen him like a prey and he found the source of his sudden chill. It was Murayama and Katase who stare with intensity indicating that he won't escape from them.

Issei: 'Oh boy.... Kaori-chan and Yui-chan... I'm dead alright....'

He gulped nervously.

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