Prologue 17

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It has been a week since the Rating Game, Issei currently spend time with his girlfriends, Murayama, Katase and surprisingly Asia in his room, watching drama. Last night he has taken their virginity as per their request, he of course doing so but only wearing protection as to prevent them from getting pregnant since they are humans so the chances are high and he will not letting their future at risk, Asia on the other hand are too young to have one plus he wanted Grayfia to have his child first since she's the alpha.

Issei: "Man, you girls sure are horny although I didn't expect you drag Asia to join us."

He stated with a smile.

Murayama: "Oh hush you. She doesn't want to be left behind so here we are, Casanova."

She rest her head on his right shoulder.

Katase: "She's right, Ise-kun. She love you so why not accepting her anyway?"

She said, resting her head on his left shoulder.

Issei: "Ahaha, I guess I should accept her love for me, just like I accepted yours."

He chuckled.

Asia: "I'm glad I gave you my first time, Ise-san. I don't want anyone else have my chasity."

She leaned her back on him, resting her head on his chest.

Issei: "So true. Shall I stop pretending being a pervert? I do want bit chaotic life but getting hated by female peers sure aren't my intention."

He asked his mates.

Katase: "You should, Ise-kun! It's no longer benefits you, you can have chaotic life in different ways."

She said sternly, both Murayama and Asia nods, agreeing with Katase's statement.

Issei: "You're right. Well soon I will go to school in my true appearance, the fake one are no more."

He kisses their heads affectionately. Suddenly a magic circle appeared in the middle of his room, it was crimson yet different crest on it, completely different than Grayfia's who was silver.

 Suddenly a magic circle appeared in the middle of his room, it was crimson yet different crest on it, completely different than Grayfia's who was silver

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Issei: '.... If I remember correctly, this is... ah that's right, it's the Lucifer Crest and that means I finally meeting the man in person, Sirzechs Lucifer. One of the 4 Maous.'


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