Prologue 14

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Few days later during lunch break, he were called to come to Council Office. He doesn't know what for but he knew he had to go. The students especially female except Asia, Murayama and Katase are cheering thinking that he will be expelled from the academy.

Issei: 'Man, to think I'm seeking for chaos ended up getting hated by girls.. well I should have expected this by pretending to be a massive pervert. Oh well, I don't care what they think of me.'

He knocked on the door once he got there.

Sona: "Come in."

She said and he walks into the office, closing the door behind him.

Issei: "So what is it this time, Sona-kaichou? Are you gonna reprimanded me for peeking on Kaori-chan and Yui-chan? Well don't blame me for it, they allow me to do so. Besides, they are my girlfriends. What's wrong with that?"

He said, slightly quite annoyed that he was called to come here again as he wanted to have lunch with them along with Asia and Saji.

Sona: "T-Take a seat first, Hyodo-kun."

She shuttered nervously at his accusation, her face tainted with red color, indicating that she blushing for his shameless words. Issei sit down on the sofa then asked.

Issei: "So what is it? I deserve some break before the Rating Game. I've been training Rias-senpai and her peerage for a month and 12 days. I want to spend time wisely with my girlfriends."

He said as he crossed his arms on his chest. Suddenly blue magic circle appeared in the office with Leviathan Crest on it and come out a woman in pigtails, looks identical to Irina except this woman has black hair.

 Suddenly blue magic circle appeared in the office with Leviathan Crest on it and come out a woman in pigtails, looks identical to Irina except this woman has black hair

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???: "Where is he, So-tan?"

She asked while looking around, searching for the person she wants to see.

Issei: "Um right here."

He said raising his hand, while looking at Sona wanting some answers. Sona who notices that look on his face, understand the meaning behind it.

Sona: "Hyodo-kun, this is Serafall Leviathan. One of the 4 Maous in the Underworld, she's also...."

She couldn't finish her sentence but it was finished by Issei who knew that she's embarrassed to say.

Issei: "Your older sister? I see the resemblance between you two, black hair, violet eyes. Yup, she's your sister alright. So I guess she's the one who requested to have a meeting with me?"

He asked the heiress of the Sitri Household. Serafall interjects before Sona could reply.

Serafall: "Yup, I am. It is nice to meet you, Sekiryuutei, Hyodo Ise."

She said in bubbly tone. Issei on the other hand, surprised that she found out about him being the host of Ddraig, Red Dragon of Domination. Sona decided to tell him before he asked as she seeing the amount of his wings who sprouted 8 crimson dragon wings and 4 devil wings on his back which telling her that he's pissed.

Sona: "Sorry Hyodo-kun. As the co-owner in Kouh, I have the obligation to tell her if necessary. I'm sorry for doing without telling you first. That time you weren't around so I wait for the right moment to tell you."

Issei: "Alright fine, you have good reason so I let it slide this time. So Lady Leviathan, what do you need to talk about?"

He retracted his wings as he asked with respect, though Serafall pouting. Issei who was confused by the reaction can't help but asked.

Issei: "Uhh... did I say something wrong?"

Serafall: "Mou...! Just call me, little Levia!"

She said while doing the childish poses as her outfit changed

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She said while doing the childish poses as her outfit changed.

Issei: "Uhh... okay."

He had a sweatdrop behind his head as he wonder are all Maous were like this.. he can't help but think that way given there's a Maou right before his eyes, wearing a cosplay nonetheless. Sona on the other hand were embarrassed that Issei knew about her sister's childish side.

Sona: "Onee-sama. This isn't the time for silly poses. Just go straight to business already, Hyodo-kun have P.E class after lunch break."

She said sternly, not wanting her sister to embarrass her even further.

Serafall: "Right. Okay, Sekir--"

Issei cut her off as he hated to be called by that title all the time.

Issei: "Hyodo Ise. Please refrain from using the title when talking with me. I have a name for Maou sake."

He said with disdain, clearly not pleased. Serafall slightly nerve wrecking as she feel the glimpse of his dense aura.

Serafall: "R-Right... so Ise-kun. I want to know whether you're an ally or threat towards Devils?"

She asked nervously.

Issei: "Relax. As for your question, the answer is no. The moment I accept to be Rias Gremory's pawn, I already allied myself with the Devils. Which I feel curious as of why you ask me this kind of question. Pry to elaborate, Sera-chan?"

He looks at her.

Serafall: "The thing is... Riser Phoenix were scared to death after the meeting with Rias-chan few days ago. I find it weird that Riser was that terrified, his peerage excluding Ravel are even worse."

She explained.

Issei: "Ahh, that arrogant swine. Nah, don't worry about it, I'm just teaching him some manner in humility. He looks down on others especially reincarnated devil such as myself, that's a racist. One of the traits that I despise the most. Pure-Blooded Devils are arrogant, prideful, self-centered, selfish and racist. Maybe not all but some of them behaving like they are superior, that alone makes me sick. Sona on the other hand are humble, treats reincarnated devils with respect despite being High-Class Devil herself."

He said truthfully. Sona can't help but smile upon hearing his words as she greatly appreciated it. Serafall are happy to know that he think highly of her sister.

Serafall: "Thank you for your time, Ise-kun. I'll be go--"

She was interrupted when she feel his hand on her wrist, feeling confused she asked.

Serafall: "Ise-kun, what a--"

Once again she was interrupted but this time, she were kissed roughly by the boy on the lips for that matter. She certainly didn't expect this coming, Sona had the same reaction as she didn't expect Issei would be so bold and daring to make a move on Maou.

Issei: "Heh, this is your punishment for calling me during lunch break. I'm hungry so I ate your first kiss, Sera-chan~"

He said with a smirk once he broke the kiss. Serafall fainted as she were filled with happiness, having love shaped in her eyes. Yes, Serafall has a massive crush on Ise Hyodo when she met him 2 years ago.

Issei: "Ara, ara. She fainted already? So cute~ Alright, Sona-kaichou. I leave her to you, Ciao~"

He walks off after laying Serafall on the couch.

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