Prologue 10

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[Realm of nothingness]

Few hours later, Rias and her group found themselves in very hot place, it looks like hell but it is entirely different

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Few hours later, Rias and her group found themselves in very hot place, it looks like hell but it is entirely different. Rias turned to looks at Issei to ask him where they were right now but only to find out in shock that Grayfia was standing behind Issei.

 Rias turned to looks at Issei to ask him where they were right now but only to find out in shock that Grayfia was standing behind Issei

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Issei: "Welcome to Realm of Nothingness. As it's name suggest, this is a realm where no single lifeforms, it's a hell but slightly different. This is the training ground that I created, one of them though. The time here flows much faster than the outside world, 6 days outside but here will be a whole year since we will spent 2 month, how many years you think it would be?"

Rias: "D-D-Don't tell me that we will be here for 10 years... ridiculous! There's no food, water, bed or bath house! How do you ex--"

Her protestation were rudely cut off by angered Issei, Grayfia on the other hand, sighs at Rias's attitude.

Issei: "That's enough! Why do you think Grayfia is here?! She was personally send here to provide us every necessity that we needed so stop being spoiled brat! Buchou, you will be working on to master your Power of Destruction to it's full capacity like Maou Sirzechs does but at the same your physical strength needed to be in shape! It's pathetically weak that even average human can beat you in hand to hand combat! Akeno-senpai, stop having a daddy issue and accept your other power and master it to it's fullest, at the same time, your physical strength needed to be in shape as well! I'm gonna beat the hell out of you all except Asia of course so be prepare, I won't ever going easy on you guys!"

He then shift his attention to Rias's Knight and Rook before he continued as his eyes turns slits.

Issei: "Prince Charming, I want you to know that you aren't the only one who feels pain because of that Holy Sword Project! I am too! One of my childhood was one of those children that helped you escape! I understand you angry because of it however do you think they want you to live only for revenge?! Have you thought of her parents who devastated after got the news about her death from me?! News flash, it'll be no! You may believe it's your fault that they die but none of them feel that way! I'm beyond furious when I learned that she die because of that Project! Yet do you see me thought of getting revenge?! No, I don't! I'm moving forward and wait for the opportunity to strike the man who responsible for her death! And as for you, mascot girl! Stop fearing of your own power! Whoever spill out that mastering Senjutsu only make you go berserk and went out of control must have some screw loose but someone who believes that crap is pretty stupid to say the least! Not accepting your power is no different than not eating! Do you understand the severity of the situation you're in right now?! You're basically self-destruct when you refuse to use your own power! The result your body hasn't grown like other girls is the proof of that! So all of you need to man up and overcome your circumstances, accept the reality and move on!! Buchou needs your help to beat Riser! Are you gonna let that scum laid his hand on her by wallow in selfishness?!"

Rias and the others except Grayfia and Asia were stunned to the core that Issei was this angry, something they never thought in a pervert but nonetheless they knew that he was right. Akeno understand his point of view but her hatred towards her father is the reason why she doesn't want to use her other power. Kiba on the other hand, never thought one of the children he had spent time with was Issei's childhood friend.. after listening to his point of view, he wonder if this is the right thing to do.. getting revenge.. is that what they wanted however he knew they didn't want it.. Koneko were at the loss after learning the truth of why her body hasn't grown mature but even so, she still fear of losing control if she use her power that she sealed long time ago.

Eventually each of them accepted the truth after being knocked some sense by Issei and begin their training menu set up by Issei with the help of Grayfia. Asia was focusing on mastering her healing capabilities in long range to it's fullest. Rias were instructed to mold the Power of Destruction so that her POD will be more potent, powerful and destructive.

As days goes by, they become extremely powerful. Issei has no doubt that Riser and his peerage stands no chance of winning. Issei and Grayfia were in the air, watching over them as to step in when it is necessary.

Grayfia: "It's been 3 years now although outside world only 18 days. I'm impressed with their growth. They have been training diligently after you knock some sense into them. Lady Rias's POD has grown more potent, powerful and destructive. Her hand-to-hand combat are acceptable. Akeno-san's Holy Lightning has reached it's peak, her mastery of hand-to-hand combat are second to Lady Rias's. Kiba-san has achieved Balance Breaker, Sword of Betrayal. The combination of Holy and Demonic. His speed has increased tremendously, same goes to his strength. He has become very powerful swordsman. Taking on several opponents at the same time will be a piece of cake. Asia can heal in long range and create a defensive barriers at the same time, it's quite impressive feat. Koneko however..."

She looks at her boyfriend who has stern look in his eyes, clearly not pleased with her growth as she knew she still hesitate in using her Nekomata power, doesn't sit well with her boyfriend.

Grayfia: "Should I go help her?"

She asked.

Issei: "No. She need to overcome the trauma she had on her own, helping her isn't gonna do anything. It only serve hindrance in her growth. Her traumatized situation can be pretty reasonable however how long is she gonna wallow in despair? Rias certainly has long way to go if she want to become a competent King. The fact that she doesn't help any of them in that regard and only think of her own crisis proved her incompetence. I'm not gonna go easy on any of them, they need to face the reality and accept it."

She nodded in agreement, understanding his reasoning for being so harsh on them especially Rias since she's the King of the peerage. It is her duty to look after them which she clearly failed.

Grayfia: "I understand."

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