Prologue 9

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[3 days later]

Issei was on the way to school and he goes alone as not rise up the suspicion of his relationship between Kendo duo and a member of the student Council. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him but he definitely has an issue when it comes to his friendship with Saji, Murayama and Katase. He found the culprit that complaints about him hanging out with them and were about to teach him a lesson. If it weren't for Sona and Tsubaki's interference, Matsuo definitely will be stay another half year in the hospital.

Issei: 'Tch. That bastard Matsuo, he really getting on my nerves. I really wish that I kill him back then! His annoyance knows no bounds.'

"{Calm down partner, those childhood friends of yours certainly don't want that so restraint yourself.}" Ddraig said, hoping that will makes his host to calm down, knowing he will be arrested for murdering that poor sap.

Issei: 'Whatever.'

He retorted.

???: "Ahh... that hurt..."

The girl in nun outfit trip on the small rock cause her to fall on the ground. Issei approach the girl and asked.

Issei: "Hey um you okay? Here, let me help you."

He said as he grabs her hand and pulls her up gently as not to hurt her.

???: "Thank you."

She said gracefully with a smile on her face.

She said gracefully with a smile on her face

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Issei: "Woah... you're so adorable... lovely emerald eyes, silky blonde hair. A perfect bishoujo!!"

He shouted when few female students walking pass by, smirking inwardly that he had succeeded in fooling them by erasing their doubt regarding him.

Issei: "Sorry about that miss."

???: "Wait, you can understand me? I'm sorry, my name is Asia Argento. Nice to meet you um..."

She tilts her head cutely.

Issei: "Oh I can understand Italian language perfectly and my name is Hyodo Ise, just call me Ise. It's a pleasure to meet you, Asia,"

He smiles at her.

Issei: 'So... she's the one who I've been waiting for. Good then, the time for training has begun.'

In the distance, they heard a boy crying as he got a scratch on the knee as it bleeds a bit. Asia went towards the boy and heal the wounds with her Sacred Gear. Issei notices a pair of ring-type of Sacred Gear glowing.

"{Oy partner, that's Twilight Healing. One of the 13 Longinus, unlike your Sacred Gear who costume for battle, that sister's were used for healing.}" Ddraig said, Issei nodded understanding.

Issei: 'I see now, those fallen scums wants her power.'

Asia: "It's all heal now, a boy shouldn't cry and stay strong."

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