Prologue 15

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[Kouh Academy Replica]

Few days later, both Rias Gremory and Riser Phoenix along with their respective peerage members were transported to Rating Game field as the day for the match has begun. Both team's base currently unknown to one another. Issei was amazed that the battle ground were the exact replica of Kouh Academy. Rias was sitting on the chair with Akeno standing behind her, Kiba was reading book meanwhile Koneko were eating chocolate bar. Asia on the other hand, petting her familiar. Issei was standing beside Asia, crossed his arms.

"{Hello everyone. I'm Grayfia Lucifuge, a maid from the House of the Gremory. Today, I'll be the arbiter for the Rating match between the House of Gremory and the House of Phoenix.}"

Issei smirks inwardly as he heard his girlfriend's voice, assuming she's at the school broadcast along with Sona and Tsubaki.

"{In the name of my master, Sirzechs Lucifer. I'll be keeping my eyes on this match. By using both Lady Rias and Lord Riser's opinion, we created this battlefield which is a replica of the school, Kouh Academy that Lady Rias attends to in the human world.}"

"{The location where both teams were transported will be their •base•. Lady Rias's •base• would be the ORC, located in the old school building. Lord Riser's •base• would be the Student Council's room located in the new building. For Pawns to use •Promotion•, please head to the enemy's base.}"

Rias: "Everyone, put this transceiver in your ears."

As she said that, Akeno gives them an earphone-type transceiver.

Akeno: "Here, Ise-kun, Asia-chan."

She hands it over to both of them.

Issei: "Thanks."

He took it and implanted it inside his ear, Asia do the same thing.

Rias: "In the battlefield, we will be using these in order to communicate with one another. Make sure not to lose it."

Everyone nodded when she said it.

Issei: "I bet those Phoenix cronies have these too, it would be ridiculous if they doesn't. Unless they got some screw loose in their brains."

He smirks.

"{Now it is time for the battle to commence. Also, this match will be continue until dawn in human's time. Without further delay, the game starts now.}"

The school bell rang out indicating the beginning of the game.

Rias: "Yuuto, would you get me a map?"

She said as she looks at her Knight but before Kiba could go to get it, Issei stop him.

Issei: "Hold your horses. There's no need for plan. All of us are strong enough to give Riser and his peerage a good beatdown, well except Asia of course. She still need more training. Hear me out first, if you find my idea is as good as any, then we can proceed but if it doesn't, we go with your plan, Buchou. It is fair bargain isn't it?"

He stated. Rias was pondering if he has a good idea on how to deal with Riser and his peerage but given that they were more powerful than before due to Issei's harsh training menu. She decided to trust him for now, seeing if he has good idea or not.

Rias: "Very well. Let's hear what you got in mind."

She said with a smile.

Issei: "Thanks. First, Akeno-senpai. I want you to use your familiar and create an illusion of old school building, add extra layer in form of thick mist so none of them able to find the real •base• of ours. Koneko and Kiba use their own familiars to create a barrier in the forest nearby the fake •base•, trapping whoever steps inside it then Kiba, eliminate them. Koneko and I will be fighting Riser's pawns and rook in gymnastics building. Once they are eliminated, I'm sure that ugly woman will tried to strike either me or Koneko, hoping one of us will be eliminated. And there's where you come in, Akeno-senpai."

He continued.

"You'll be fighting that woman, beware she has Phoenix Tear so go all out from the start. Asia, you will stay close to Buchou. Kiba, Koneko and I will be fighting the rest of the cronies. After we all dealt with them then Buchou and Asia come out and heads to their base, it'll be a showdown between 2 High-Class Devils, however given Riser's regeneration capabilities, Akeno-senpai and myself will fight him first. If by miracle, he eliminating us from the Game, he have no chance of winning against you, Koneko, Kiba and Asia. He will be overwhelmed, both his stamina and regeneration capabilities will be reduced to dust. Fighting both me and Akeno-senpai at the same time, he will be so tired. That's where the 4 of you come in, he won't last even 5 minutes after the trashing both me and Akeno-senpai gave him. I let you decide whether to go through with my idea or not. I'm fine either way so no hurt feelings."

He finished. Rias and the others are in awe and shock after hearing of his idea. It was magnificent idea and had zero flaws so far. Despite his perverted antics, he proven to be very hardcore trainer and today, he impressed them with his brilliant tactician.

Rias: "So what do you guys think? Should we proceed with his idea?"

Rias: "So what do you guys think? Should we proceed with his idea?"

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Akeno: "Ara, ara. His idea is very hardcore, it has no flaws. I say, we shall go for it. It's worth to try."

She said with a giggle.

Asia: "Me too. Ise-san is an excellent tactician, he already proved himself when he gave you all his hardcore training menu that he personally come up with."

She smiles.

Koneko: "Agreed. His perversion is quite annoying but his idea was amazing."

That's all she said.

Kiba: "Let's give it a try, Rias-buchou. Besides, we train very hard in that realm. It may looks like 42 days that we have gone but in reality, we were training for 7 whole years. Our strength, speed, Overall Power Level has reached to the next level. There's no way we will be losing. I for one, want to win this Rating Game. This is the reason we took everything Ise-kun dish out at us despite how brutal and harsh his training menu was."

He stated.

Rias: "Alright then. We proceed with your idea, Ise."

She said.

Issei: "Heheh. Well then, the operation begin now."

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