Prologue 16

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[Kouh Academy Replica]

Issei, Asia and Rias remained in the clubroom meanwhile Akeno and the rest begin setting up the trap as per Issei's idea. Rias was wondering how Issei were this smart, cold, collective, mature and most importantly, he behaved like a complete different person. She want to ask so badly but now is not the time. A little while later, Akeno's voice was heard by Rias.

"{Buchou, the trap is set.}"

Then Kiba and Koneko's voices were heard.

"{Buchou, another trap is complete.}"

"{Same here, Rias-buchou.}"

"{Good. Next step, Kiba, you stay there and hide. When they come, you know what to do. Koneko, go to the gymnasium. I'll be there shortly, Akeno-senpai. I want you to hide and wait for my signal.}"

He said through the communication.


They replied. He stood up and stretched, cracking his knuckles.

Issei: "Alright, time for me to go. And don't try to go on your own by letting the enemy's provocation gets to your nerves."

He said before running out of the club as he heading to the gymnasium. He met up with Koneko who was waiting for him once he arrived.

Issei: "Do it."

That's all he said as he points at the door, telling Koneko to kick it and she does so without complaint. They both walk inside leisurely and turns on the light, as Issei's predicted. 3 Pawns and a Rook was waiting for them.

Xuelan: "Shit! The Sekiryuutei?!"

She shouts in fear, not expecting him of all people.

Mira: "This is not good... we are doomed!"

She said with terror in her voice, the twins agreed as they nodded.

[Issei vs Xuelan]

Issei: "Well, it seems you remember me. Good and now... say goodbye. Koneko, handle those irrelevant bugs. I'm taking this one."

He said before disappear from Xuelan's sight.

[Koneko vs Mira, Ile and Nel]

Koneko: "Word."

She rushes towards the pawns and engage them in combat. Mira, Ile and Nel having a hard time as Koneko getting the upper hand.

Ile/Nel: "Damn! She's strong!"

Mira: 'Dammit! In this rate, we will lose!'

Koneko: "Checkmate."

She rushes towards them in blinding speed, delivering devastating blows in the guts, eliminating them in the process.

[Back to Issei and Xuelan's match]

Xuelan: "W-Where is he?!"

She looks around in panic, not realizing that he was floating above her.

Issei: "Hey, up here and..."

He created fireball sized tennis ball in his hand. Xuelan looks up and sees him staring at her with a smile, she was too terrified to move.

Issei: "... Checkmate."

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