Prologue 3

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As Issei and perverted duo heads to the classroom, on the stairs nearby 2 of the 4 beauty goddess in Kouh Academy were watching over him, unbeknownst to them, he could tell their eyes were set on him.

Issei: 'Hmm.. As I expected, they noticed the glimpse of my power. I bet Rias Gremory plans to get me on her side sooner or later. I need to talk about this with Fia-chan tonight.'

Sona: "So Rias, is that him?"

She asked the heiress of the Gremory Household.

Rias: "Yes, he is. I can't exactly figure out what type of Sacred Gear he has but I know it was immensely powerful. He might be the key for me to break up the engagement."

Sona: "Just don't do anything stupid that will risk the danger to all of us. I understand you don't have much time left but don't act irrationally. Let me know if you need help."

She walks away, heading to the Student Council Office. Issei let out a deep sigh as he wonders why he has to fight someone he doesn't even know.

Murayama: "Hyodo.. we need to talk."

She obstructs the path to the classroom along with Katase who nodded. Issei run his fingers through his hair.

Issei: "Alright.. lead the way. You two go on ahead, I'll be back with these two."

Matsuda and Motohama nodded although they wonders why kendo duo need to talk about with their •friend• as the trio heads to the rooftop. Once they got there, Issei asked.

Issei: "Okay Kaori-chan, Yui-chan. What do you need to talk about? It's not like I'm not happy but the whole school will be curious as of why a proclaimed pervert like me talk with you two."

Katase: "Sorry Ise-kun, Murayama is saddened that students badmouthing about you behind your back so to ease her worries, I need to ask you few questions."

She tried her best to explain why they wanted to talk to him which he understood after look at Murayama.

Issei: "Sorry about that, Kaori-chan. Okay then, ask away."

Murayama: "But before that, mind revert to your true appearance?"

Issei snapped his fingers and his appearance immediately changed as his brown hair turned black, his hazel eyes turned red.

Issei snapped his fingers and his appearance immediately changed as his brown hair turned black, his hazel eyes turned red

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Issei: "Is this okay?"

Both Murayama and Katase blushing madly as they hasn't seen his true appearance since childhood days, both nodded nervously.

Murayama: "Okay... I want to know what were you planning by doing this? Act like a pervert, befriend those perverts... what beneficial you gain by doing this?"

Katase: "I knew you had your own reason but Murayama can't stop worrying about you.. so if you could ease her mind even a bit, it would be appreciated, Ise-kun."

Issei: "I see. Well you might go furious after hearing my reasoning but it is what it has to be done. So I hope both of you understand."

Both of them looks at each other and nodded before looking at him.

Issei: "Well... to put it simply, I plan on dying next week. Before you go nuts, hear me out. Lately I noticed few people observe me in case if I'm a legitimate threat to them and once it's confirmed, one of them might ask me out on a fake date in order to finish me off. Though at the same time, someone who isn't an enemy letting it happen as to drag me to become part of her group. I won't reveal the identity, you two will figure it out next week. As for why I proceed with this plan, my body is tearing me apart, I need to be killed. Either way, I'm dead so it make no difference. That's about it."

To say they were shock was an understatement, they are beyond furious but knowing he has the reason for doing this even if it is madness. Katase sighs.

Katase: "I hope you can ease the worries within her... but you only make it worse, Ise-kun. Well as long you survive from certain death, it is okay with me but you have to make up to me and Murayama, you hear me?"

Issei: "Of course, let me know when you want me to make it up to you."

Issei kisses both Katase and Murayama on the lips passionately. He smiles softly before reverting back to his fake persona. They blushing madly as they feel his sweet lips pressed on their own.

Murayama: "Baka Ise-kun! You meanie!"

She buried her face in his chest.

Issei: "Sorry about that, you two are too cute, I can't help it."

Katase: "Baka..."

She smiles softly.

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