Prologue 11

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[Realm of Nothingness]

A month goes by in the blink of an eye, Rias and Akeno were having a spar in hand-to-hand combat to see how far they have improved in short amount of time. Kiba currently facing illusion opponents created by Grayfia's illusion spell for him to fight them all at once to see how much stronger he has been after done all the training menu given by him and Grayfia. Koneko's training menu was provided by him were to increase her speed and her mastery of Senjutsu. Asia on the other hand, were trained under Grayfia in demonic power to harness it to the fullest.

Issei: 'Hmm... 7 years has passed meaning only 18 days left. I guess the time has come as I have nothing else to teach them since they have mastered everything I throw at them. I shall announce their final test before we go home.'

He smiles softly as he were proud of their hard work and dedication to become stronger, it pleased him a lot. Although he knew some of them will get into their heads and behave so arrogantly due to the fact of their immense power which he doesn't even want that to happen.

Issei: "Everyone, stop training. I want to have a word with all of you."

He said as he walks towards them. Rias was the first one to ask.

Rias: "What is it Ise?"

Issei: "For the last 7 years which is only 42 days on the other side. Both me and Grayfia has teach you everything you lack and master them to the fullest. Before we go home, I have a final test for all of you except Asia. She fulfilling her role as a supporter magnificently."

Akeno: "So what is the final test you spoken of, Ise-kun?"

She asked in curiosity. Issei smirks savagely and said.

Issei: "You all vs me. 4 against 1 and do not hold back, if you do... you know what's gonna happen."

As he said those words, Rias and those who gonna fight him huddled up together as the last time they holding back against him, he traumatized them in worst way possible. Even the sadistic Akeno were failed miserably in comparison to how sadistic Issei can be.

Issei: "I'm glad you understand, now let's begin."

He said with a warm smiles as he took a stance.

Rias and the others had him cornered from all directions, looking at Issei.

Rias: "We have to go all out! I don't want to go through that horror again!"

She said sternly as she had enough of Issei's sadistic nature, even her mother wasn't this sadistic.

Kiba: "Right!"

He draws his swords from the magic circle.

Koneko: "Roger!"

She let her tail and ears out as she intended to go all out from the start even if she wasn't told by Rias.

Akeno: "Ufufu. Got it Rias-buchou."

Blue Lightning sparks around her fingers as she wanna see how fare Issei's durability against her Holy Lightning.

Grayfia: "3... 2... 1... Hajime!"

She shouts. Koneko grips her fists tightly and took the first move.

Koneko: "Here I come!"

She immediately rushes towards him in blinding speed of light, throwing punches.

Issei: "Good, go all out from start. However..."

He dodged them all and even delivered devastating blows which sending her crashing into the dirt.

Issei: "... you're too predictable."

Kiba: "Koneko! Why you...! HAAAA!!!"

He charged towards him and swing his swords at him. Issei however are someone who shall not to be underestimated.

Issei: "Don't shout when you're attacking, another predictable move."

He deliver powerful flying kick straight to the face which sending Kiba next to Koneko who was having hard time to move. He then evaded the Lightning from Akeno.

Issei: "Sneak attack eh? Very clever however... not clever enough."

He suddenly disappeared and reappears in front of her in an instant, he then fired a massive fireball towards Akeno who was unable to dodge it due to their range. She were engulfed in the fireball that she received from him and it suddenly exploded.

Akeno: "AAAHHHHH!!!!!!"

Her body were heavily damaged and rendered her immobilized. Issei then deflects Rias's POD without looking, although if you look closely, his hand were slightly damaged and shaking badly.

Issei: "Okay that's enough. Asia, heal them all."

He said as he looking at his damaged hand.

Asia: "H-Hai."

She heal Akeno, Koneko and Kiba with her Twilight Healing, create an emerald spheres that will fastened the healing process.

Rias: "Is your hand okay, Ise?"

She walks towards him.

Issei: "It'll be fine. Your POD has reached it's full potential. Not even Riser can survive despite how handy his Regeneration capabilities truly is. Akeno-senpai has mastered her Holy Lightning power, Koneko mastered Senjutsu and Kiba achieve Balance Breaker and move forward, accepted the reality. Asia's healing capabilities reached the next level. All of you has done very magnificent job. It is time to go home and Asia will be staying with me since she has nowhere to go."

Rias: "Thanks, it means a lot. Although you went too far, my body is hurting like hell but thanks to that, I've grown immensely powerful than I was before."

Issei: "Heh. The way to become stronger is by the hard way. There's no such thing as easy road to achieve incredible strength."

He grins sadistically.

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