Prologue 5

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[6 days later]

Issei currently standing near the station, waiting for the Fallen to arrive. He act all giddy and hyper about the date, the fact he pretends in such a way doesn't sit right with him but he need to endured it if he wants his plan succeed. As he thought of how he goes to eliminating the Fallen, he were brought back as he heard a voice calling out to him while offering him pamphlet.

 As he thought of how he goes to eliminating the Fallen, he were brought back as he heard a voice calling out to him while offering him pamphlet

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???: "Please take one if you want your wish granted."

He took the pamphlet and stare at it with zero interest.

Issei: 'Sound shady, welp. This Crest belongs to Gremory Clan alright. She must be so desperate if she letting this happen. Well no more, I'm gonna teach her in humility.'

He keep it inside the pocket. Yuuma run up towards him and said.

Yuuma: "I'm sorry for being bit late, I hope I didn't make you wait."

Issei: "Nah, I just got here 2 minutes ago so no worries. Shall we go, Yuuma?"

Yuuma: "Yeah, let's go."

Both of them walking around the place and their first destination is the accessory shop. He buy a wristband for her, in return she drags him to the clothes store to buy few shirts although embarrassing enough, he kinda enjoy having a fake date with the Fallen. That being said, his stalkers is frustrating as they also want to go on a date with him although there's someone else with them who practically doesn't want to spy on him.

Murayama: "Mou.... Ise-kun! Why did he look like he's enjoying it??"

She said with a pout, not liking this one bit.

Katase: "Ma ma... calm down, Kaori. It's not like he accepted it for no reason. He already explained to us last night. Though I'm surprised that girl is a Fallen Angel.. she certainly didn't look like one."

She find it hard to believe that the girl Issei seeing right now is the Fallen Angel, the very one who most likely will kill him in the end of their date. Murayama feels the same way as she did.

Murayama: "Agreed but Ise-kun has no reason to lie to us. We will know the truth soon enough."

Saji can't help but feel worse for doing this as he were forced to join both by Murayama and Katase in stalking Issei on his fake date with the Fallen. That's right, Saji Genshiro, pawn of Sona Sitri.

Saji: "Geez... I can't believe I'm doing this... is there any reason for us doing this, Murayama, Katase? It makes us looks like bunch of creepy stalkers."

[Skip in the end of the date]

Issei and Yuuma walking towards the Fountain nearby since no one else around except them (including 3 stalkers as they already go home) Neither has spoken to break the ice of the atmosphere, once they got there, he decide to do so.

Issei: "I have a blast today, the best date ever."

He said although inwardly he wants to throw up so badly.

Yuuma: "Yeah... ne Ise, can you do me a favor?"

She said as she turns around and looking at him. He knew where this is going.

Issei: "Sure. What is it?"

He asked as she then walks up to him and whisper in his ear.

Yuuma: "Will you die for me?"

He pretends to be shocked by giving convincing fake expression.

Issei: "I think I misheard something... c-can you say it again?"

He fakely shuttered. That moment Yuuma reveal her true form and looking at him.

 That moment Yuuma reveal her true form and looking at him

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Yuuma: "I said... will you die for me?"

She repeated her word as she throw light spear in his chest.

Issei: "GUAHH!!"

He coughs out blood and chuckled weakly.

Issei: "So... the fake date ends with me dying? Not a bad way to die... if I was a weak human... the thing is... I'm not... and you messing with the wrong person... Raynare..."

Her eyes widened as he knew who she was from the beginning, in that moment she can't help but wondering why he accepted to go on a date with her despite knowing she will kill him afterwards.

Yuuma: "I'm surprised that you knew I'm a Fallen Angel and the fact that you fooled me, make me angry. What are you? How do you know this will happen eventually?"

Issei: "Heheh.... I'm Ise Hyodo, this generation Sekiryuutei and as for how do I know all this? Simple actually, I've prepare a plan for this day few years ago. I know one day you will approach me and kill me after break me apart which consider it.... failure."

He weakly snapped his fingers, revealing his true appearance. He then said to a shocked Raynare with a weak smirk.

 He then said to a shocked Raynare with a weak smirk

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<Replace the sword with Light Spear>

Issei: "This is will... be the first and last time you..."

He coughs out more blood before he continued.

Issei: "see me in my true appearance... now begone."

He once again snapped his fingers and suddenly a vortex appears behind the Fallen. He then delivered devastating kick in her stomach, sending her inside there as the vortex closes and disappears.

Issei: 'Ddraig... fix me up will you?'

"{Got it partner!}" He roared as he heal the wounds of his host received from the Fallen.

He took out the pamphlet and burns it, afterwards he teleported away with his own magic circle.

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