Part 1 Rachel: Chapter 1: We tell how it begins

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I'm going to tell this story just so you can know the truth of what happened that night. But I'm only telling you the story once, so don't expect another explanation. But I'm only going to tell you my side of the story, so don't go looking for an answer.

It all started two weeks ago, when I was just getting ready for school. As usual I slept in and lost track of the time. My dad woke me up. "Get up Rachel" my dad said. "Fine I screamed". "Bye"my dad screamed, slamming the door.

I soon was ready and walked out of the apartment into the lobby. I quickly hurried to the bus stop, and jumped on, living in London is hard to get through sometimes.

I rushed through the school doors, and to the first period. When I got inside the classroom I didn't realize how late I was.

"Ms. Charity," The teacher said sternly. "Why are you so late, care to explain". "Well I was doing homework" "Find a seat", the teacher said.

After the classes were over, it was lunch break. Lisa called me over as usual, but I didn't go there. Someone called my name. I turned around to see, but all I saw was nothing, except a note. I picked it up and read it.

Meet me in the woods at 7:00, don,t be late.

This made me think, as I read it over and over again. I decided to do what was right and throw the note away. I quickly sat down with Lisa and some other girls. The thing I missed the most about school was my best friend. Molly White. Im mean, Lisa is cool but she will never compare to my best friend Molly. As I sat at that lunch table the girls just always talked about who, likes who, and who is the most popular girl.

"Bye" I said to the girls but they didn't respond. But for some reason I kept the note?

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