A New Man

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We all decided to run away from these strangers but we were running out of time.

Two big secured guards chased after us and we ran as fast as we could but in a matter of seconds we were surrounded. There were six, maybe seven big men surrounding us.

Ben yelled "who is the leader of you russians".

"None of your business little boy" said one of the men.

Ben pulled out a pocket knife, but that wouldn't do much against these guys. Taylor pulled out her dagger. I grabbed a little pocket knife I had bought as a souvenir at the gas station. It wouldn't do too much damage but it was all I had.

Ben charged the smallest of the men first he didn't stand a chance he brutally got punched in the stomach and he went down for a bit.

Next taylor went in and tried to stab one of them in the knee. She landed a hit but then she got kicked to the side. I threw my knife at one of the men but they dodged it.

After that I felt frozen and I didn't know what to do. Fear was slowly filling up inside of me. One of the men had grabbed the knife I had thrown. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed with fear.

The man was coming closer but I couldn't get myself to move. The man with the knife was coming closer and closer. It was almost like in slow motion.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw blood. 

A New Man

The blood wasn't my blood but Ben's. He had moved in front of me to save me but he was stabbed in the stomach doing so.

I felt so bad all of my friends were hurt and I hadn't done a thing to help. I felt helpless. How would I be able to escape and help my friends that were injured?

I grabbed a towel from my backpack to try and stop the bleeding on Ben's wound. That was how I could help my friends for now. I wrapped the towel around Ben's wound and applied some pressure to help stop the bleeding and to make sure he doesn't lose too much blood. I had almost forgotten about the Russians standing in front of us.

All I could do was help Ben with his wound and I didn't even know what to do about the Russians. They started to get closer to us.

They grabbed Taylor and I yelled "no leave her alone".

Then I heard some gunshots. All of the men surrounding us pulled out their guns too. One of the Russians went down with the sound of a gunshot.

They all hit the floor with a "thud" and I was wondering who was firing all of the shots. A man with a yankees cap and a green jacket appeared around the corner.

The man said, "You must be Rachel, if I am correct."

I replied and answer "yes,...and who are you"

"I am William Chavez", replied the man

"I was a good friend of your mother", said Wiliam.

Rachel said "Can you help me and my friends," 

William helped us onto a plane that he said was his. He didn't say where he was taking us but I trusted him because he helped Ben by fixing up his wound. We were in a small plane that had enough room for all of us. Taylor had woken up after being knocked out for a while.

"Where are you taking us" Rachel asked William

" I am going to take you to a safe place, where you will be able to rest and recover."

Taylor woke up and looked around, panicked and alerted.

"It's okay", Rachel assured Taylor.

"Where are we? And who is he ?

Rachel explained to Taylor how William was a friend of her mom and that he was taking us to a safe place. Taylor still seemed unsure about william.

Ben didn't wake up the whole plane ride. We headed into a valley near a big forest. I have never seen such a beautiful view from up above. The forest was filled with nice green plants and wildlife.

We landed just outside of the forest. It was about noon.

"Okay guys we are going to start hiking towards the base," said William.

"Where are we and what base are you talking about?'' replied a worried Taylor.

"It's a secret base in the mountains, only a few select people know about it. We have to walk there which will take about a day or two, said William.

"Oh no! We have to walk all the way to the mountains? Why can't we just take the plane," I asked.

"We want to keep this secret base a secret, and the plain would draw too much attention to the area and give away the location of the base, anyways the hike won't be so bad we will take some rest breaks in between.

So then we started the long journey to the mountains. The first hour wasn't so bad but we were going at a very slow pace because Ben was still injured from his stab wound. He woke up about 15 minutes after we arrived outside of the forest.

My feet started to hurt after about 2 hours, and it was starting to get dark. William suggested that we stop once we hit the first stream of water. It was getting dark fast, but we were able to find the stream fairly quickly.

"Okay", said William, "so now you girls can get the tents up while I start the fire and get the food".

Me and taylor took out the tent from williams bag. The tent was actually surprisingly easy to set up. Me and Taylor built it in about 20 minutes. Then we decided to go in the tent to rest, because it was getting pretty chilly out and we were tire from the journey.

Once we sat down in the tent taylor asked "what do you think of this william guy?".

"I think he's alright, why"?

"I don't know Rachel, how can we trust him? Isn't it a little suspicious that he just happened to be there to save us?".

"Taylor, he helped Ben with his wounds and we would've been killed if he didn't show up".

"You're right Rachel, nevermind. I'm just scared you know, with all that we've been through, you can probably understand why I might be hesitant about william."

After that we just layed down in the tent. I fell asleep. I had a very strange dream about this old man. I don't remember much about the dream. All I could take away from the dream was the old man.

When I woke up hunger hit me like a bus. I was starving. No one was in the tent. I got up and out of the tent. Right as I stepped out I could smell the campfire.

William had returned. He was cooking some birds. Ben and Taylor sat near each other by the campfire. William was sitting across from them. I sat down near Taylor and William handed me the dinner he had hunted. He also handed me a bottle of water.

After we had dinner(which tasted surprisingly good) we were ready for bed. I was still really tired even though I had slept for a little bit.

I fell asleep fast, and before I knew it, it was morning. 

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