We Finally Leave

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I woke up with the FAR society texting me ready to pick us up. I looked over to see Rachel and Ben, but they weren't there. I checked that it was 9:00 am. I quickly got out of bed and checked the whole hotel room, I couldn't see Rachel and Ben anywhere.

I walked out of the room looking for them. I walked into the lobby, it wasn't crowded at all, so nobody noticed me. I went up to the front desk and rang the bell, a Man walked over. "Do you know where two kids my age are", I asked. The guy pointed over to a small gift shop. Which Ben and Rachel were in. I walked over there. "What are you doing?", I said. They turned around, the thing was I wasn't taller than them, Ben a little bit Rachel about the same. "Oh, we thought we would buy new clothes, because they were dirty", Rachel said.

Then she said "Can you buy these for me", Rachel said. "Yes, do you want new clothes too Ben", I said. "Yeah", He replied. I ended up buying tons of stuff. Till we had to go. On the drive there we looked sad. It felt like so long ago since we were trapped, and we didn't know each other. Rachel looked up and said "Thanks for everything guys". "Thanks for standing up to my Dad", Ben said. 

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