The Plan

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I went to school the next day. At lunch Ben sat down at the empty table by me. "I have a plan," he said. "Can you just tell me what's happening? '', I said. "Fine, the Russians sent me to spy on you, they want me to pretend to be your friend, and they're coming tomorrow, that's why we need a plan", Ben said. "Wow, but why do the Russians want you to spy on me?", I said. "I don,t know?" he said.

We were quiet for a little bit, thinking. Then Taylor came and sat down by me all of a sudden. When Ben saw her he had a really worried look on his face. "Hi, Rachel", she said. Taylor kept giving Ben mean looks, which was weird. "Do you know Ben?"I said, pointing at Ben. "Oh no, we haven't met Im Taylor, and what about you?", she said, "Im Ben, nice to meet you", Ben said. "Rachel, can I come over to your house later?"Taylor said, "Sure 7:00, good". "Perfect", she said. She quickly left the table. Then Ben left with a note, that read,

Rachel, that girl was pretty suspicious, don,t trust her.

Also the plan is just to try to be my friend tomorrow.

Since we don't have school, I will meet you at the Art Museum,

9:00 am.

After I read the note I was kindive scared about the Russians coming tomorrow, why do they want someone to spy on me. When school was over I went into the woods, I wanted to know what was out there.

I rode the train across london. I got out and walked over to the woods, it was so peaceful as I walked through the woods. Then I heard something, it was a person's voice. I quickly ran behind a tree and saw who the person was, it was a Man on the phone, speaking Russian. I quickly ran the other direction, stumbled on a rock and fell down. Suddenly a person's footsteps were coming, I got up and froze for a minute, then climbed up the tree. I sat on a branch and looked down for the guy who was right below the tree, he hung up the phone and yelled "who's there". I stayed silent, the guy left, I jumped off the tree. I had to tell Ben about this.

Then I was suddenly surrounded by Russian Men, all staring at me. I knew I couldn't be scared, so I put all my fear away, and ran. But when I ran through two of the guys I almost made it, till one of them grabbed my foot where my ankle was from where it already got hurt. I hit the ground hard and passed out.

The next thing I knew was, I was in a cave, a rocky cave. There were a whole bunch of Russian people just staring at me. "Who are you? '', one of them said. "What do you want?'' I said. "Who are you? '', the guy repeated. "Rachel Charity, and what do you want with me?'', he just stared and said, "daughter of Kristina Charity '', he said. "Yes but why does that matter, I don't even know her", I said. "Do you know what she did to us, she took something very important from us, and you don't even know her", said an old guy coming from behind. "No, I didn't know her. She left me and my dad when I was little, so she is not my problem", I said. They all stared at the wall then left me alone in the cave. 

I sat there all alone. I started crying and thinking why both of my parents left me. I understood what my dad was trying to say in his note now. A lady walked in. It was the lady from the elevator. She sat next to me and said "I can get you out of here". "Why would you do that?" I said, "your mom wouldn't want you to be locked up here for her", she said. "Who are you, and how do you know my mom? She pulled a little washcloth out of her bag and daybed it on my ankle, which felt weird but better.

"I'm your mom's sister Airada", she finally responded. I could see how she looked like my mom with the same hair and eyes. "I'm spying here, for your mom", she said. "Is my mom in trouble", I said. "I have to go but I promise I will get you out of here", she said. She got up and walked away. I didn't know what to do IN so many thoughts, why was my mom in trouble. I thought about Taylor. 

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