The Plans a bit off

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I could see the whole campsite of the Russians, most of them were in a big circle where Ben was talking. I saw a lady go into a cave then I knew that was the place where Rachel was. I waited till no one was there, then ran in. I could see from the cave Ben running. When I walked in it was empty except for a chair and rope, the rope was cut.

I stood there, it looked like Rachel escaped. I walked out of the cave then saw Ben tied up by the Russians carrying him. I quickly hid behind a wall. Then when they walked by I kicked one, who fell on the ground. Suddenly I was dodging guys, pulling the switch blade out which helped me a little. As I was fighting, someone came behind me and gave me one of those shots in the neck. I passed out after that. 

I woke up in a chair that was tied so I couldn't get out. I was next to Ben who did not help at all. I started crying, because I basically did everything I wasn't supposed to do, Ben tried to help but it didn't work. We just sat there. "So, what happened with Rachel", he said, trying to sound nice. "Why did you help us, you're supposed to be the bad guy", I said. "I never even wanted to do this, my dad forced me", he said.

I went silent then said "My brother didn't want to be in a society either but he was forced too, I always thought if I would differ", I said quietly. "So how are we going to get out of here", Ben said "You aren't", said a Russian guy walking in. "Dad,what are you doing here?", Ben said. "You know I couldn't let you go on a mission by yourself, this was a test, and you failed it", he said. I was so shocked. I looked over at Ben who stared at the ground. "Hey, at least Ben knows what's right and wrong", Taylor yelled at the guy.

"I don't like you very much", the guy said, staring at me. Suddenly he dropped to the ground. Behind him was Rachel and this lady. "What are you doing here", I said but Rachel covered my mouth. "Shhh, I'm getting you out of here", Rachel said. She untied my ropes then said "Come on, we have to go".

When we were leaving Ben said, "I should probably stay". "No both of you are going to explain all of this to me", Rachel said. "Plus, you stood up to your dad which was kinda cool", I said, a little embarrassed. "Alright, you all need to get back to the FAR, society, there will be a plane coming to pick you up", the lady said. I wanted to ask her questions about who she was, but I heard the Russians coming and she left.

We quickly sneaked out, with Ben following. We were almost there until, all of a sudden, the Russians were surrounding us. One grab Rachel, I kicked him and punched him with the skills I learned. "Wow, you're strong", Ben said. "Just fight", I yelled back. One guy grabbed me, and I stepped on his foot, and kicked him into the tree. I was getting tired of fighting, but there were so many guys it was hard.

I saw Rachel with a stick doing her best to fight. I used to do gymnastics so climbed the tree, and swung around, kicking, the guy Rachel was fighting with. "Wow, you're good at everything", said Rachel. "Go, I will hold them off", I said passing the car keys. "I don't know how to drive", Rachel said. "Try your best", I said, kicking down the tree that was loose. Rachel quickly ran.

"There's more guys coming, what are you doing?", Ben said. "Just help me knock down this tree", I said After kicking and pushing hard, we got it down, so the Russians would get stuck.

We were on our way back almost to the car until the main Russian guy stood right in front of us. I just stood there staring at him. "Well, Benwell, you were a traitor", he said "Why don't you get out of our way", I said. "You should be quiet", the guy said. Then he suddenly stuck a needle in my arm and I dropped to the ground.

I woke up and heard Ben and the guy talking. They didn't see me get up. Suddenly I had an idea. I felt the bomb in my pocket. I knew what I had to do. As tired as I was, I got up. The guy tried to give me another shot, but I did a cartwheel, and kicked him. He looked like he was out for now.

I grabbed Ben and pulled him to the side. "What should we do now?"Ben said. I pulled out the bomb, "Wow, you want to use that", Ben said. I looked up into the dark sky. Rachel walked over. "Guys we have to go, wow is that a bomb", she said. "Yes", I said. I didn't know if I wanted to use it and destroy the woods. "Should I", I asked them. "Let's not", Ben said. He took the bomb and threw it somewhere after that you could hear an explosion. "Anyways, where did you even get that bomb",Rachel blurted. "My father", I said sadly. For some reason it felt like I did it all wrong. I could hear the Russians, feet stomping towards us. "Let's go guys", I said. We quickly ran but I could hear them coming. When we got to the car Rachel jumped in the driver's seat. Ben sat in the passenger seat so I went in the back.

The guys were coming quickly, "Drive", me and Ben yelled. Rachel stepped on the break and we were off. For some reason Rachel drove us, in the middle of London's busy streets, we were stuck in traffic. "Why did you take this way?", I asked. "Um, sorry, I never drove a car before", Rachel said. I realized we all looked out of shape, we should have been at the doctors. Rachel's hair was down for the first time,she had a couple cuts on her wrist as well as one on the top of her forehead. But Rachels ankle looked really bad. I looked at myself, I was dirty, my hair was all over my face.

My cheeks were red and I had a cut on the side of my face. Ben looked like he was beat up by a gang or something. But he looked really sad. He lifted his hoodie over his head, he probably saw me looking at him. Kara always said I had this look on my face, like I was very suspicious of people. Kara said, that's how you tell the difference between me and my brother. People said my brother had soft blue eyes and I had intense blue eyes. I realized I missed my brother.

When Rachel got out of the traffic she asked "Where should we go next". I felt bad for Rachel. She probably had no idea about any of this. "Are you hungry?", I asked them. "Yeah", they said.

We stopped at dinner. I hadn't had dinner for a long time. "Do any of you have a phone? "No", I and Ben said. We walked in and people were staring at us, we quickly sat in a booth. "Who is going to pay?", Rachel said. "I will", I said. 

We sat quietly at the booth, for a while it was like no one could see us sitting there. "What do you guys want to drink?", I asked. We all decided we wanted milkshakes.

I walked over to the bar and sat down, hoping the lady would notice me, but she just walked by. Then this girl from the back came and she looked about my age. "Hi, can I order something?", I said. She turned and looked at me, "Yes, what can I get for you", she said sadly. "Three milkshakes, and we sit over there", I said pointing to the booth we were in. She nodded and left.

I sat down by Rachel. "How hungry are you guys", I said. "Yeah, I'm going to get the breakfast special", Rachel said. We ordered and ate so fast. "What do I do

next", Rachel said. "Drive all the way to the society", I said. "Are you ok, Ben", Rachel said. "I just don't know if I did the right thing", Ben said. "Yes, it's the right thing to do", I shouted. The whole restaurant looked at me.

We quickly paid and got back in the car. We drove in silence. Once we reached the highway Ben said "What do I do when I get there". "They will tell you", I said. I saw Ben looking sad from the mirror, but when he saw me there I quickly turned away.

We stopped at a gas station with a pay phone. I grabbed gum, and asked who wanted to use the phone first. Ben Went first. "Who are you calling?"Rachel asked. "My Mom", Ben said. His Mom answered the phone and they talked for a bit. Then Rachel went. The first thing she said was "Molly", Rachel called Molly why though. Rachel talked and talked to her, telling the whole story. Soon it was my turn, I didn't know who to call.

"I'm going to call the FAR, society, they will come for us", I told Rachel and Ben. "Hello, who is this?", said Ms. Smith. She was an eighteen year old girl that worked at the front desk for the FAR society, she was quiet, but nice. "Hi, this is Taylor Kaven", I said. "Oh, are you ok?"she asked. "Can you pick us up somewhere?", I asked. "Yes, where are you"?, I told her where I was. She said they would have a plane to come in a airport outside of london.

After that I decided to make one more call. I called my brother and he answered. "Hello", he said. "Hi Brandon, how are you?", I replied. "Taylor, you're alive", he yelled. When we were done talking, I realized how tired I really was looking up at the stars. Ben and Rachel looked tired too.

"Hey guys, maybe we can get some sleep", I said to Rachel and Ben. They looked sad and nodded. We stopped at a hotel. 

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