A New Friend

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I still went to school the next day, even though I didn't have to. I went to the first and second periods which were fine. When we reached the third period, we had a sub, but there was something strange about her, I knew her. It was someone but I couldn't think who it was.

Soon it was lunch time, I didn't sit by the girls that day, I did not want to. I sat alone at a table. Then this guy walked up and sat down at the other side, silent. Then a girl I didn't know sat next to me. "Hi", she said. "Hi", I said. She stared down the boy across from us. "Who are you?" she said. The boy stood up and walked away. "Did you know him?" I said. "No", she said. "Im Taylor, what's your name", she said. "Rachel", I said. The girl had brown hair with blue eyes.

"Are you new here", I said. "Yes", Taylor said. "Where are you from", I said, she paused then said "Alaska." "Bye", Taylor said, getting up and leaving. The boy came and sat back down. "What are you doing?"I said, and he turned around and left. I looked over and saw a note where he was sitting, not having my name on it. I read it and it said,

Who was that girl, and who are you, Also what's in the woods.

When I read it my mind exploded even more than it already has, but I remembered not to get scared, that's what Molly would do. I turned it over and saw an address, which had to be the boys.

When I got home, I didn't know why I did this, but I wrote a note saying, Why are you giving me these notes, I know it was you who gave me the one about the woods. Who are you and what do you want with me? Also someone said there would be a spy coming is that you?

When I finished the note I went looking for it in town. Somehow I found it was such a coincidence. I knocked on the door but nobody answered, set it down on the gravel porch and left. As I walked home, I wondered why I lived in London. I was American, my parents weren't English, my Mom was Russian and my Dad was American.

When I got home I felt very lonely. Why did my dad leave, why. The next day I didn't go to school, I hung out and watched the Clue movie that was Molly's favorite. Maybe if you knew her you would understand why I miss her. Suddenly the door rang. I opened the door to see the note boy. He walked right in without saying anything. "My name's Ben", the boy said. "Do you know Molly", I said. "Do you live here by yourself?"he said. "Yes", I said, "Do you go in the woods". "Well yes" I said, "here in London" he said, "um yeah why" I said. "Don,t go in there,'' he said finally. Before I got a chance to ask why, he ran out of the condo.

On the table he was standing by was a note. I picked it up and read it in his cursive,

Everything you know is a lie,to tell the truth, I'm supposed to be a spy.

I ask for one favor, that will keep us from being in trouble.

That is to pretend to be my friend please, this is the safe way.

After I read this I had to think what to do. Ben was the spy who I would think would be wrong. But I wrote a note back that says,

I don,t know you, but I have a feeling what you're talking about has to do with Molly, so I'm doing this for her.

I'm in. 

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