Who to Trust

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I walked inside the elevator, to see a lady who looked like me. She had a serious face, with blond hair. She looked just like me and I wanted to ask if she was my mom. Soon she spoke into her apple watch, and said something in Russian. Then I asked something really weird. "Who are you? '', the lady turned around to me. She just stared at me. Finally, she said "none of your business," she said with fluent luggage. I don't know why I did this but I pushed the lady into the wall of the elevator.

Then the door opened and I ran out into the lobby and out the door. I walked the rest of the way home back to my apartment. I knew my Dad would be curious, where I was. "Dad" I yelled as I walked in. Nobody answered. I searched the whole house but nobody was there. In my room I found a little note. That read,

Dear, Rachel

I'm very sorry to tell you all of this but I have too. Someone needed me, I had no choice but to go and see what was going on. It's about your Mom, and you wouldn't understand. I'm sorry but, I can only say two things, or clues, and these are them, the spy and the woods.

After I read the note I didn't know what to do, so I cleaned up my bruises and went to bed. I couldn't trust my dad anymore, I felt lonely. I started to cry and wonder why the stuff didn't make sense. I couldn't stop thinking of the spy and the woods. For the first time I was scared. 

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