Part 3 Taylor: Life before london

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My life was never perfect, or the way I wanted it to be. But if you want to hear my whole story we have to start from the beginning, my life before london.

I grew up in Alaska with my Grandma and my twin brother, my parents were always busy, they visited only about five times a year so we weren't really close. I never was mad at them because I knew they were doing good things for people. Their job was working for a secret society called the FAR, which stood for forces against russians. Growing up I always wanted to be like them, I wanted to make a difference like them. My brother had big dreams to be an astronaut.

Life when we were younger was horrible. When me and my brother were ten years old one night we came home from school and we found Grandma dead. We had to go to their funeral and everything, turns out some people went to Grandma's house to find our parents, but ended up killing our Grandma.

At the funeral my brother went crazy, and yelled this at my parents "It's all your fault she is dead '', and he knocked over the table.

After that my Dad bought us a house and tried to make our family better. Him and Mom dropped their job for us. We were actually a happy family for a long time till the people at the society needed them. We were worried we were going to get left again. But they told us we were going with them to train to be a spy. Which made me excited but my brother fought for it but lost. I always felt bad for him, he was the closest person I had.

The training took place in the summer so that was a bummer. We lived with some retired spies from our parents' society in Alaska. They were nice but weren't what we wanted.

At school I had a couple of friends, but it was mostly me and my brother. Till one day I met this girl named Kara, she was popular but nice. Kara had blond hair with hazel eyes. We were basically best friends for a year. One random day when we were eating lunch she asked "Can I trust you". "Sure, I'm good at keeping secrets", I said. "Have you heard of FAR camp", she said. I was so shocked because that was the camp I was going to to be a spy. "I'm going there in the summer", I blurted. After that we talked and talked about the secret society her parents and mine were both in.

When we arrived at the camp, we got dorms for the summer. I got one with Kara and a girl named Molly. During the daytime all we did was climb ropes and learn fighting positions. When we were half way through summer, we finally got t0o do hand to hand combat, I was actually not bad. I beat my brother Brandon. Kara and Molly weren't that into it.

My parents took us in for half of the year. One day me and Kara were talking and this came up. "Ding, Ding", Kara's phone had been buzzing non stop while we were at the beach, trying to sun tan. "What is up with your phone", I said. She stared at me like I accused her of something. I know this is mean but, I grabbed the phone from Kara's hand. She just stared at me. I looked down at two girls about to go on a roller coaster. One of the girls had straight brown hair with tan skin. The other girl had curly blond hair but it wasn't that curly. She was Molly from camp and I realized how she had the same face as kara. 

"Who are these girls?", I finally asked. "Can you keep a secret", she said "Of course you can trust me" I said "While I basically have a secret sister", she said. Kara explained that Molly was her sister and everything, which sounded crazy

And why it was a secret. I thought she was lying to me so I got mad at her, so we got in a crazy fight and we're not friends. That lasted for like a month till the craziest thing happened.

I was offered a spy job, which I accepted! 

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