Rachel goes Missing

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The girl stared straight at me in shock. "Where is Rachel?"Taylor shouted. "I don't know why", I said, "She is not in her house, and by the way I know who you are", she said. "What are you talking about", I said. "Forget it", she said. 

Taylor finally said " Rachels not in her house and is missing". "I can help find her", I said. Taylor gave me a sour look and said "Let's look".

We searched everywhere, I was getting worried. After searching for two hours, Taylor yelled, "Where could Rachel be?". Then I just realized where she could be. "I know where Rachel is", I said. "Where", Taylor screamed. "With the Russians, but I have a plan", I said. "Where are the Russians?", she said. "In the woods but you have to trust me we can't just barge in there, I have a plan that could work", I said. She stared at me then finally said "How can I trust you, aren't you a spy". "Yes but I want to help you guys not them, please just trust me and my plan", I said. "Fine, what's the plan?", She said.

We went to my house and I told her the whole plan, which was to text them asking if they have Rachel, and I will say I have a friend of Racheks that knows everything, but Taylor will pretend to be the victom. We will meet up in the woods. I will distract the Russians unaware Taylor got away to go and free Rachel. The two girls will escape the woods in a car already parked, by the woods and I will quickly run two with them.

Somehow Taylor approved this plan and we got ready for it. The texts with the Russions went as planned.

Ben: Hi, I was wondering if you have Rachel?

Society: Yes we have Rachel. Good job at getting her to us.

Do you need anything else?

Ben: Well I have to inform you that I have one of Rachel's friends that knows alot with me too.

Society: Good! Bring her here now. 

You know where to find us.

Ben: Okay thanks.

I drove my Ford Escape, all the way to the woods. "Do think the plan will work", said Taylor. "I hope so", I said. "We need a backup plan in case it doesn't work", she said. "I don't know, I said. She let the idea go.

When we finally got there I parked and we walked to the woods. Taylor said, "now you distract them".

I was a little scared but stayed calm when I approached them. The Russians were all sitting in a circle around a campfire. When they saw me they all stood up and the main guy walked over and said "Benwell come sit". He put his arm on my shoulder and walked me to a log where I sat. They all looked at me waiting for me to say something. "So how much do I get paid for this", I finally said. "Well you have to give us the other girl first", one of them shouted.

It was silent till I finally said "She is in my car". I felt my face get red. "Show us where the girl is Benwell", the main one said. All the Russians stood up ready for me to show them the way. I stood up and walked to the car with the guys following me. When we finally reached there, I opened the door and Taylor was nowhere to be seen. In my head I was happy until one of the guys asked "Where is the girl?". "Wait, she must've escaped,'' I said. The guys stood there and looked at me. The main one finally said "Where is the girl Benwell".

I didn't know what to do but I ran for it and didn't look back. Finally I looked back at the Russians like ten of them were so close. The main one grabbed me and said, "curse you Benwell". Before I knew it I was slammed in the tree and knocked out. 

When I opened my eyes I was in a cave. I was tied in a chair and I turned to my side to see Taylor, looking sour. "How did I get in here", I said. "You got knocked out", Taylor said. Taylor started crying "I ruined everything"she said. What do you mean? "I was sent here to make sure Rachels okay, now I don't even know where she is", she said. "Well I'm sure we will find her", I said. Taylor glared mad.

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