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I went back to the dorm with all my packed things, finding Minho and Hyunjin sitting on the opposite sides of the couch in silence.

"No one fucking talk to me." I muttered under my breath, then slammed my door shut.

I threw my bag to the side and fell onto my bed, instantly sobbing the second my head hit the pillow. I thought getting my heart broken by Chan was bad, but this was an entirely new level. The worst part is that it's all my fault.

"Hongjoongie?" Hyunjin knocked on my door gently.

"What makes you think he'll want to talk to you?" I heard Minho.

"Come in." I sniffled.

When Hyunjin closed the door, he didn't seem to have any idea what he was up against. He's terrible at dealing with emotions, but I'd rather it be him in this room than Minho.

"What happened?" He asked sweetly, sitting on my bed while rubbing my back.

"I ended things with Jungkook."

"What, why? That wasn't the plan."

"Because as long as Minho is in my life, he can't be. I've officially accepted it and this is the result."

"Hongjoong." His heart broke for me, I could tell.

"Hyunjin, he told me he loved me." I cried, pulling the pillow closer to my chest.

"Did you say it back?"

"No." I whispered, finding it unbearable to talk with the lump in my throat and the pit in my stomach. "I made him think I don't love him." I shook my head, disgusted with myself. "But hey, it might fucking make Seonghwa and Minho happy, right?"

"Hey." Minho awkwardly opened the door, joining the two of us. "Is everything okay?"

There was so much I wish I could say to him, but I knew I had to bite my tongue. I can't help but blame him just a little bit.

"No, everything is not okay." I cried. "I wanna be with Jungkook." But I can't.

"He ended things just now." Hyunjin quietly said to Minho.

"Is this how Felix makes you feel? This fucking bullshit heartbreak?"

"Yeah." He whispered.

I sat up and looked at them with swollen eyes and a bright red nose. I can't think of the last time I cried like this.

"I can't take it back, can I?"


"No." Minho interrupted Hyunjin, pretending to feel bad for me. He sees I'm visibly destroyed and it still doesn't matter to him. How selfish could one person be?

"So I just have to live with the fact that I ruined the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Got it."

"Hongjoong, he's not the best thi-"

"Yes, he was!" I shouted. Hyunjin took my hand, wanting me to calm down. "Nothing will ever compare to him."

"There's other fish in the sea, I promise."

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