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"Well that was the biggest tease of our fucking lives." Yunho sighed, staring at the ceiling of our hotel room.

"I told Seonghwa I love him." The moment he left, I entered a state of shock.

"Hongjoong, what?" He exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face. "What did he say?"

"He said he loves me too." I cuddled up into a ball, trying to contain the butterflies in my stomach, along with wanting to feel Seonghwa's sweatshirt closer to my body.

"Did you make it official yet?"

"No." I shook my head. "I plan on it when we go back home though."

"Why didn't you do it just now?"

"Him and I have never gone on a date before." I started to blush, fantasizing about what that would look like.

"You know you'll have to be careful being out in public like that." I know he didn't want to rain on my parade, but he had a point.

"We'll be okay. Seonghwa is very uptight when it comes to being in public."

"I still can't believe they surprised us like that."

Even though we had just seen Seonghwa and Mingi, we already missed them immensely. We're even more excited to go back home now.

"Seonghwa pretty much begged."

"Mingi told me they're in trouble." He sighed.

"What, why?" I turned to him, suddenly concerned.

"JYP has no idea about us so they're having a meeting when they get home."

"To confirm our relationships? Do we have to do that?"

"Put it this way, if JYP and KQ know, they'll be able to protect all of us more. Don't look at it as a bad thing. The worst that could happen would be telling us we're not allowed to date."

"Well that's just too damn bad."

"I'm with you. Those two years without Mingi were terrible, I don't want to experience that ever again."

"Where do you think you guys will end up?"

"Together, no matter what. We talked about it, we're never doing that ever again. It was for good reasons, but it wasn't worth the pain when we knew exactly what we wanted. I'm sure it's too early for you and Seonghwa to have that talk, but then again, you guys are really close."

"We touched upon it for a second." I smiled. "He said he wants to have a life where we're together every day."

"I'm glad you finally told him how you feel because he really loves you. He'd do anything to make you happy, I hope you know that."

"I'd do the same."

"Mingi told me he's been different lately."

"How so?"

"He's been more confident. Obviously they've been best friends for years, but this is the first time he's really seen him come out of his shell around other people."

"Seonghwa is a really fun person." I smiled. "He just didn't believe it because he didn't allow himself to open up for so long."

"I truly believe he's a perfect fit for you. He seems to make you really happy."

"He does, which is still sometimes weird to think about."




"I don't know why, but I have a gut feeling that it's not over yet. Seonghwa and I are more vulnerable than ever before because we're idols. If Minho comes out and says something, we're both fucked."

"Do you really think he will?"

"You saw the aftermath of Minho, you didn't have the deal with him as it was happening. I don't know anyone more capable of bullshit."

"Him and Jisung are still trying to figure things out right now so if that goes south, it might be time to freak out."

"Jisung needs to leave him, it's just too much now."

"He's subtly trying to tell us he refuses, but I think we're all ignoring it."

"It's frustrating from an outside perspective, but I guess we've all been there." Yunho looked over and gave me a knowing look. "I've been there." I rolled my eyes, correcting myself.

There was a knock on our door, immediately getting our hopes up.

"Let me in." Wooyoung whined.

Yunho groaned, getting off his bed, then opened the door.

"Is San snoring?" I asked, moving over so he could lay next to me.

"Yeah, and it's annoying." He pouted.

Wooyoung will never have the heart to wake San up. With the amount of effort the older puts in, from taking care of everyone to being an idol, he's overly exhausted.

"We were just talking about Minho."

"Seriously? You have the fun conversations when I'm not around?"

"Since when is Minho fun?"

"Why were you talking about him?"

"We're just hoping he doesn't expose us; meaning me and Seonghwa, and Yunho and Mingi."

"Yeah, see, this is fun. It's detective work."

"What's your thought?" Yunho asked.

"He will absolutely expose all of you just to ruin your careers." When Wooyoung is straightforward like this, it gives me an uneasy feeling. Because it's rare, that's how I know he wants to be taken seriously. "And when that happens, because I'm kinda positive it will, what will you guys do?"

"Suffer." I sighed, knowing he may be right. Minho is like a nuclear bomb ready to explode at any minute. We have no choice but to sit and wait.

"Wait, does JYP and KQ even know? Don't you have to tell them this type of stuff?"

Wooyoung knows this process better than anyone. Before FENIX debuted, it took a lot of convincing to allow him and San in a group together. The possibility of the young couple breaking up was practically nonexistent, but KQ still had doubts. I'm glad everything has worked out for them though.

"Mingi and Seonghwa are in trouble, so yeah." Yunho replied.

"Hongjoong, stop being a bad influence on Seonghwa. He's out here sucking dick in shady bathrooms and flying across the country just to see you."

I think I officially regret telling Wooyoung about my relationship.

"Like you wouldn't do the same." Yunho laughed.

"You're half right." He winked.

"Alright, off my bed." I playfully pushed him away, not wanting to be near his filthy self.

The second Wooyoung landed on the floor, there was a knock on our door.

"I got it." Yunho sighed, getting out of his bed once more. "He's in here."

A very tired San came into the room with sleepy eyes and messy hair. He held his hand out for Wooyoung to take, then lifted him off the ground. Without saying a word, he took his boyfriend back and left.

"Let's hope we have their luck." I said.

"Yeah, let's hope."

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