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Yesterday was Galaxy Star's last day on tour which meant I had to do something special. Just because I'm not with Seonghwa in person doesn't mean it gives me an excuse to stop making him happy.

"Joongie, you got me flowers?" Seonghwa swooned, having the camera turned to the large bouquet I had sent to his hotel room.

"Do you like them?" I couldn't help but smile. "I just figured you were exhausted and this would cheer you up."

I was glad he FaceTimed me rather than just sending a text saying 'thank you'. Hearing his voice and making him smile meant the world to me. Now that I'm also on my own tour, I don't think he realizes how happy he's made me by doing something so minimal in his mind.

Just two more months. Two more months and I'll see him again.

I've been so tempted to just tell him I'm in love with him, but everyone is right. That's something I need to do in person, not over the phone.

"You're the best, you know that?"

"Did you read the note?" I was equally excited as I was nervous. It's nothing he hasn't seen or heard from me before, but a note is more sentimental than a text. "Read it out loud."

"Okay." He was already blushing. "To my beautiful Seonghwa, thank you for being you. You're unlike anyone else, and truly unique, which is why you shine the brightest in a room. You have a heart of gold which makes me the luckiest person alive to find something so precious. I can't wait to see you again, I miss you so much. I love the person you are and don't ever forget that. Love, Joongie."

Lately, that has been our subtle way of saying 'I love you'. I've caught myself many times, so the second I see him, it'll be the first thing I do.

"I can't believe you made me cry." He mumbled with a soft smile as he wiped away his subtle tears.

"The flowers will die eventually, but at least you have that note to keep." It didn't take me long to realize why Seonghwa decided to put his phone down. He didn't want me to see him get emotional. "Baby, it's okay." I laughed.

"Give me a second." He sniffled, raising his hand in the camera's view. When I saw his face again, I looked at him with fond eyes. I wonder if he'll be able to fully grasp how infatuated I am with him?

"I miss you." I wanted him to see that I brought his sweatshirt on tour. I'm glad I had a piece of him with me.

"You're too much." He smiled, waving his wrist dismissively.

"What, you don't miss me?"

"Of course I do, I miss you like crazy."

"I'm counting down the days till I see you again."

"Time will fly, I'm sure."

"That's so annoying that you're going back to Seoul tomorrow. If I'm in Atlanta, and you're in LA, why can't you just make a pit stop?"

"I'd want that more than anything, you know that." He sighed. "But when you finally come home, I have a day planned for us." His sudden excitement was adorable. I want to do everything I possibly can with him so I'm glad he feels the same.

"Tell me."


"I knew you were gonna say that." I laughed, somehow falling for it every time. In all honesty, I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Good idea, right?"

"It's perfect."

I'm happy he's finally at a point where he doesn't worry about what we do. He's been afraid of being 'boring' and 'lame', which still baffles me. Just being together is all we'll ever need. If that means doing nothing and lying next to each other, then I'm glad.

"Are you excited for your show tonight?"

"Eh, yeah." I shrugged.

"Isn't Yunho out to eat with San and Wooyoung? Why didn't you go with them?"

"I see them every second of the day, talking to you is more important." He should've seen that one coming.

"You have to eat something though."

"I'll call room service." I shrugged, not finding it to be a big deal the way he did. Seonghwa wears his heart on his sleeve so I'm not surprised he was concerned.

"Good." He nodded. "You make me nervous sometimes."

"How so?" I smiled.

"Because you care so much about everyone else that you forget to care for yourself sometimes. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"That's why you're here."

"Exactly." He didn't even hesitate to agree. Taking care of the people he holds close to his heart is important for him.

After that, we stared at each other like two lovesick souls; both of us faintly smiling with blushing cheeks.

"After the show tonight, I'm gonna call you."

"I'll be on a plane." He sighed.

"Why did I think you were leaving tomorrow?"

"Change of plans. Apparently I've been scheduled for a last minute appearance." He rolled his eyes, finding this highly inconvenient.

"That's so annoying."

"I know, but I'll call you the second I find out we're both free, okay?"

I'm glad we got past that awkward stage where we were too nervous to contact each other. Seeing his face is my favorite part of each day and that'll never change.

"That's gonna be a whole day." I whined.

"Just think of me on stage. Maybe that'll help."

"I always do."

"Good." He timidly smiled. "I do too."

I really can't wait to see him again.

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