Out And About

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"You don't go out much like this, do you." I smiled, noticing Seonghwa's raging paranoia.

"No, I told you I'm scared."

He had a hat, glasses, and a mask on to make sure he wouldn't be recognized. I found it funny how I didn't care in the slightest whether I was seen or not. If anything, if people spotted us together, it would probably stop the feuds between our fans.

"Alright, then how about we go inside somewhere?" I put my hand on the small of his back and led him towards a convenience store. Before we walked in, he was quick to grab the door for me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He sweetly smiled, making my heart melt just a little bit. He genuinely finds joy in doing small acts of kindness for others.

"I'm serious, fuck your diet. We're getting ice cream tonight."

"But I-"

My worst nightmare has officially happened.

I slapped my hand over Seonghwa's mouth, then pushed our bodies back against the aisle so we couldn't be seen.

He furrowed his eyebrows, seeming concerned.

"Minho and Jisung." I whispered.

I took my hand away and dropped it to my side; that was until he grabbed it and held tight. I wasn't sure what his reason was, but I didn't question it.

"I think we should leave."

"I agree."

Right when we were about to turn around, our paths crossed. All four of us stopped in our tracks, caught like a deer in headlights.

I didn't know Minho would have this strong of an effect on me after not seeing him for years, but I could tell I was on the verge of an anxiety attack. Seonghwa, however, stood his ground with a mean look in his eye.

"Your boyfriend, huh?" Seonghwa was the first to speak up, taking me by surprise. He made sure to take off his mask so Minho knew exactly who he was dealing with. This was the first time I had ever felt intimidated by him.

"What?" Minho acted as if he had no idea what he was talking about. Jisung looked to me and nodded, reminding me whose side he's actually on when it comes to this matter.

"For the record, I remember when you and Hongjoong were front row at the show. I was looking at him the whole time, not you. Congratulations on your engagement, now I hope you can move on with your life and be happy instead of fucking with other people's heads for your sick pleasure."

As if the angry look wasn't shocking enough, the curse word topped it off. Seonghwa turns into a completely different person when he's angry.

I squeezed his hand and led us out of the store. It was definitely best to leave as soon as possible. We didn't stop walking until I felt we were far enough away from them.

The second we stopped, I wrapped my arms around him and held tight. He was quick to return the gesture, letting me know I was safe.

"Thank you." I whispered, squeezing tighter.

He pulled away and smiled, returning back to his old self. "Still wanna get ice cream?"

All sense of morality went out the door in that very moment. I was overwhelmed with emotion and confusion to the point where I almost made the boldest move of my life. Luckily I was able to control myself at the last second. But one thing is now for sure: Seonghwa is much more than a friend.

"Will you get some too?"

"I will." He nodded, fixing my hair in the process.

I was happy when he decided to continue holding my hand. I'm still not sure why he did it to begin with, but I hope he doesn't let go.

It was almost as if I jinxed it.

I pouted my lips and dropped my head, making it painfully obvious that I was disappointed.

"Why?" I whined.

"Do you want rumors to start?" He smiled, trying to be lighthearted about it.

"Put your mask on. Do you have an extra?"

"That desperate to hold my hand, huh?"

"Yes, now gimme." I held my hand out for the spare mask he had in his back pocket. Now we were both completely unrecognizable.

I think the thrill of doing something we're technically not allowed to do made this much more fun. Seonghwa isn't one to break the rules either so that just adds to it.

When we got to another convenience store, he opened the door for me once again, then followed me to the back towards the ice cream.

"Get whatever you want, it's on me."

"No, it was my idea so I pay."

"I make more money."

I gasped dramatically and turned to him with fear in my eyes. "What happened to it doesn't matter if you're an idol or a regular person, huh?"

"I'm just teasing." He smiled. "You can cover it next time."

"You definitely won't let me."

"I'll let you dream about it." He shrugged.

When we both picked out what we wanted to eat, we stood in line behind a woman that seemed frantic.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. If you don't have the money, you can't buy it." The cashier said.

"I swear, I had my card in my pocket." The woman stressed, patting around to find what she was missing.

"I got it." Seonghwa interjected, paying for the woman's groceries.

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much." She expressed.

"Of course." He smiled, giving his card to the cashier.

He paid for the both of us afterwards, then we were on our way. And of course, he opened the door on the way out.

"I told you." I smiled, then took a bite of my ice cream.

"Told me what?"

"We're out for an hour and so far you've paid for a woman, open the door for me every time, and you let Minho have it."

"Was I super mean?" He actually seemed concerned.

"To Minho?"


"No. I thought he was as dead to you though, why do you care?"

"Because I wanna make sure you're happy with what I said."

"That's why you're asking?" I laughed, not expecting his response.

"Well, yeah. I was shaking the whole time so I had to make it count."

"Park Seonghwa, you never cease to amaze me."

"So I did good?"

"You did." I nodded, unable to wipe the smile off my face. "Is that why you went to hold my hand? For some emotional support?"

"That's half the reason."

"What was the second half?"

"I just wanted to." He shyly admitted.

"I have an idea."

"And what is that?"

"Can you stay the night?"

"You want me to?"

"I do." I nodded. "We can finish our ice cream, watch a movie, and cuddle some more."

"Where would I be sleeping?"

"Don't ask dumb questions." I took his hand and started to swing it back and forth as we walked back to my dorm.

"Will that always be the case?"

"Do you want it to be?"

"I just might."

"Then it will be."

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