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Today was a big day, specifically for me and Seonghwa.

The world was shocked and heartbroken once they learned that Galaxy Star wouldn't be renewing their contract with JYP. Hopefully their fans aren't too disappointed for long though.

It took a while, but every song has been re-recorded with eight vocal parts instead of four. It was fun how both groups never thought these songs could get any better. But with all of us combined, we've brought it to the next level.

"You're shaking."

"No, I'm not." Seonghwa shook his head, squeezing my hand a little tighter than he may realize.

"Why are you so nervous? This was your idea."

"Because what if you get in trouble?"

"Baby, that's the point. Now kiss me."


"I want everyone to know." I let go of his hand and held the sides of his face, then brought his lips to mine.

Did I care that we were by Han River where tons of people could see? No.

"You're really gonna get in trouble, Joongie." He whispered, still taken aback from our kiss.

"Again, this was your idea."

"You know me, I say things just to say things."

"You never do that actually. You say what you really mean first, then try to backtrack because you're afraid."

"Don't call me out like that." He mumbled, then hid his face against my shoulder. I made sure to wear shoes a little bit higher today so he didn't make playful comments about my height - not that I mind.

"Don't be afraid." I lifted his head and looked into his eyes. He decided to wear glasses today, which I found to be adorable. He's always so cute. "You know why?"

"Because as long as we have each other, we'll be okay." He nodded, remembering our little saying.


"I'm starting to think San and Wooyoung should've been the ones to do this though."

"No, this had to be us."


"For so, so many reasons."

"Such as?"

"We're the leaders, we set the example. If we show other people that we're not afraid to love who we love, they won't be either."

"Very inspiring." He nodded. "But I know you. Where does Minho come into all this?"

"Park Seonghwa, why do you do this to me?" I laughed, then gave him a small kiss. "How do you know me so well, huh?"

"Because I love you." He mumbled, suddenly shy.

"I love you so much." I took his hands in mine and wrapped them around my waist. "But when it comes to Minho, I want him to know one very important fact."

"And what's that?"

"You can't stop true love."

"Hongjoong, you know I'm all for romance, but that may have been the cringiest thing you've ever said."

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