Slytherin Shenanigans

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The Slytherin common room exuded an air of secrecy as Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter plotted their next prank. Nestled in a dimly lit corner, the two friends huddled over a parchment, their heads close together. The flickering fire cast dancing shadows, emphasising the mischievous glint in Draco's silver-grey eyes.

Draco's voice was barely above a whisper. "Alright, Potter. I've been thinking. Let's spice things up a bit. How about a prank on Millicent Bulstrode? She's always so serious."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?"

Draco's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he unfolded a detailed map of Hogwarts. "I've enchanted this map to show Millicent's location at all times. We'll use it to our advantage."

The plan unfolded: Draco and Harry would cast a charm on Millicent's quill during the upcoming Charms class, causing it to write embarrassing doodles on her parchment whenever she tried to take notes. It was a harmless prank, but one that promised to bring some much-needed amusement to the dreary school day.

The next morning, as they took their seats in Charms class, Draco and Harry exchanged covert glances. Millicent was engrossed in her book, completely unaware of the impending mischief. With a swift flick of their wands, they cast the charm on her unsuspecting quill.

As the lesson progressed, Millicent began to scribble notes. However, her quill had a mind of its own, creating whimsical sketches of her professors in amusing situations. The entire class erupted into laughter, drawing the attention of Professor Flitwick.

"Miss Bulstrode, what is the meaning of this?" Flitwick demanded, peering at the enchanted quill.

Millicent, her face turning beet red, stammered an apology. The rest of the class struggled to contain their amusement, but Draco and Harry exchanged a triumphant look.

Their celebration was short-lived, though. The mischievous twinkle in Professor Flitwick's eyes disappeared as he turned his gaze toward Draco and Harry. "Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, kindly join me after class."

Detention loomed on the horizon, but the mischievous duo couldn't help but smirk at the success of their prank. As they stood before Professor Flitwick, he regarded them with a stern expression.

"Ten points from Slytherin for your behaviour in class," he admonished. "Detention tonight in my office. I trust you will find more productive ways to spend your time."

As the duo left the classroom, Draco couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Well, Potter, it seems our pranks are getting more ambitious. What's next on our list?"

Harry grinned, the thrill of camaraderie building between them. "I'm thinking a little Poltergeist-style chaos in the Great Hall. What do you say, Malfoy?"

And so, with a shared laugh, the dynamic duo plotted their next adventure, leaving a trail of mischief in their wake as they navigated the intricacies of friendship and pranks within the cunning corridors of Slytherin House.

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